Cybertruck Hype? Cybertruck Demonstrates "Trail Assist" Offroad

3 months ago

The video showcases the Cybertruck's capabilities both in demonstration of Trail Assist in the desert and off-road mode testing in Moab.
The Cybertruck demonstrates its Trail Assist feature in a desert landscape, navigating steep hills and canyons with ease.
We're going to try out Trail Assist just for demonstration purposes. I'm going to show you how easy it is and shouldn't try this at home, but gives you a good idea of how Precisely the vehicle will control the speed on the way up this hill. And obviously I'm not putting any input in, so it's doing it all on its own. and it'll keep it nice and smooth all the way up to the top.
In Moab, the Cybertruck showcases its off-road mode and app features by driving through various challenging terrains.
We're out here in Moab testing off-road mode. So we've designed the new off-road app to be super accessible. Ju

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