FULL BLINDFIRE BUILD (Anti-Requital & Anti-MON)/Lincoln Memorial 08-11-24 #Division2 #WZ #RTX4070

4 months ago

My builds usually try to reach 60% Critical Hit Chance, but in this variant I sacrifice every other stat for Weapon Handling and Accuracy. Full build can be seen in the video and in the description below. My Critical Hit Chance is only 37.5% and Critical Hit Damage is only 57%.

The main difference in this build variant is swapping out Coyote's Mask and Eagle's Grasp for the Vedmedytsya Vest and Contractor's Glove (both from the Petrov Defense brand set). This adds a whopping +50 Weapon Handling but comes with a HUGE decrease in damage (both from Critical Hit Damage and -100 Striker stacks.

This build allows players to fight every battle from a blindfire position with "almost" laser accuracy. By staying in cover and cover-to-cover, players can cancel out two of the global modifiers that all enemies now have... Requital (damage reflection at midrange) and Master of None (incendiary bullets at short range, shock bullets at long range). Being able to accurately blindfire from cover is a good way to avoid all the problems these enemy modifiers create.

Current Build Breakdown:

Main Weapon: Sleipnir (CHC 3rd Attribute)(+60 Accuracy mods)
Secondary Weapon: Born Great (CHC 3rd Attribute)(+90 Accuracy mods)
Pistol: Harvest (CHC 3rd Attribute)

Mask: Striker's Battlegear (Weapon Handling)(CHC)(Blue Core)
Chest: Vedmedytsya Vest - Petrov Defense (W. Handling)(CHD)(Blue Core)
Holster: Striker’s Battlegear (W. Handling)(Blue Core)
Backpack: Striker's Battlegear (W. Handling)(CHC)(Blue Core)
Gloves: Contractor's Gloves - Petrov Defense (W. Handling)(Blue Core)
Kneepads: Striker's Battlegear (W. Handling)(Blue Core)

Striker Shield
Revive Hive

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