Special Event 11.05.24: 2024 Elections Final Count Down With VJB!

3 months ago

Special Event
2024 Elections Final Count Down With VJB!
November 5, 2024
Hosts: Julie B and Jorge

VJB covers the final countdown of the historic 2024 Presidential Elections with hourly prayers over the process. Archangels, Angels, and all Heavenly Hosts were on duty!

We saw it through the entire night and were blessed to celebrate the big win for our dearly beloved President Donald J. Trump!

Congratulations, America! Congratulations Earth! All glory to our Divine Creator!

Welcome / Prayer of Gratitude
Prayer At The Top Of Each Hour
Viewing of Live Election Coverage Events
Celebrating President-Elect Donald J. Trump
Closing Prayer of Gratitude

American Patriotic Song: My Country Tis of Thee
National Anthem: United States - Star Spangled Banner

7.11.21 Word from the Lord
I asked the Lord, when will our President come forth? He answered, in My good time. Do not be impatient. Practice your long suffering. Practice your faithfulness. Your time is not My time. I am a God of longsuffering, mercy, and faithfulness.
I am fine tuning your President. When he steps back out into the light, he will be a different leader. He will shine brightly with My Love, My leadership, My Wisdom.
I am doing great works for you! I am preparing you, My people, have I not told you? The fake President and Vice President are not what they appear to be. They are in place according to My plan.
Everything you see is illusion. I am teaching you to see through the veil. Open your eyes. Learn to discern. You must sharpen your skills before I will bring you to the next level of being. You are babies asking for steak. Do not force yourselves forward. Take this time, a time such as this to develop and sharpen your understandings.
What has happened here will NEVER happen again. I am raising up My people in strength and unity to the level in which NO evil will overtake you! I have told you; this is a difficult Lesson plan.
You are all rising to the occasion! I am El Roi, God who sees you! I am well pleased! Do not back down! Do not become overconfident! The slithering snake is frantic and confused. My enemies are unable to communicate. As they scatter, they claw at whatever, whomever they can touch. Eyes on Me! Do not waver!
This Christmas will give you a whole new meaning of My abundance! As you ask for the correct gifts, I shower you with more! Ask Me what you need! Do not decide for yourselves. The enemies constantly bombard you with lies, with thoughts that are not your own. In this state of being you cannot, must not trust your own thoughts because they are likely not your own! Seek Me when you awaken. Cling to Me at all times of your day! Do not let go for a second. The enemies are creeping and crawling like slithering snakes, looking for a weakness, a lull in faith, a moment of false darkness. When you step away from Me mindlessly you are immediately in their territory!
Keep My word on your lips. Inspect your armor. Sharpen your sword. Shine up every piece of armor I have given you and wear it at all times! You are in the time of The Great War. The things you are about to see will bring you to your knees, but I say STAND UP! Steady the shaking of your knees! Are you not My people? STAND WITH BOLDNESS! Look your enemies in the eyes and shout that YOUR KING JESUS CHRIST IS IN COMMAND AND NO HARM MAY COME TO THOSE STANDING WITH HIM! DECLARE THE RIGHTEOUS KING! DECLARE THE SOVERIEGHNTY OF HIS PEOPLE! DECLARE THIS EARTH THE LAND OF THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! Stretch out your staffs and DECLARE THAT THE ENEMY HAS NO REIGN HERE AND THAT THEY MUST LEAVE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST THE KING! STAND BOLDLY AND COMMAND THAT THEY SURRNEDER TO THE KING OR THEY SHALL BE ACCOSTED AND REMOVED FROM THIS PLACE!
Yes, I am commanding you to use your Kingdom Authority in full confidence! I Am with you. Who can be against you? You have been awakened for this time, My children. You are prepared. Stand in your boots upon the Gospel of Peace. My Peace I give you. Do not be afraid of the events you are about to see.
Now is the time to fully depend upon Me for strength. Soon, I will say “this is not a test”. Fear will strike many. Many will fall. You must remain standing as a beacon Light. I command you to be strong and faithful despite what you see! It will be like a blink of an eye in the end. The New Dawn is coming. My Glory is coming! Hold your heads up high and be glad! The Stallion is about to ride! Rejoice and be glad! Your sorrows are soon coming to an end My children.
Lift your voice and be heard by the angels! When you hear the mighty roar, REJOICE! Your King is standing on the ready, awaiting the Word” IT IS TIME”! The Angels rejoice with you! “Hallelujah! Hallelujah, the Stallion is ready to fly!”
Rakola Kala Zhemee Kala Zho! ~ I AM your King and I come for you. Wait for Me, My bride. I come for you.
Received by your humble servant Julie B
The Visioning with Julie B Ministries channel opens a portal for all who desire to gather in Unity to learn, vision, create, manifest, heal traumas, collapse negative and construct positive timelines, and in so doing lift into 5D+. Here, we find rehabilitation through healing, creating freely and enjoying the fullness in Joy, Peace, and Love. In Shalom, you are welcome.

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