Maharishikaa | Kundalini Pain! Dealing with anger! Surrender | Preeti Upanishad [PART 3]

2 months ago

One month after Maharishikaa has answered Amin's question on his triggered Kundalini Shakti and his issues with blasphemy and surrender, he returns to the Satsangs, with the Kundalini pain in his body having returned.

Revealing new knowledge, on this little understood topic, Maharishikaa explains to him why the Kundalini triggerings occur in certain people, and increasingly so around the world. She explains the very common pitfalls of those suffering from this phenomenon, who after having experienced relief from the pain, immediately start to give in to the desires and ego; which causes the pain to return.

Bringing together Amin's concerns about anger, blasphemy and this very physical pain in his body, Maharishikaa explains that the anger is there because of the strong resistance to bend in surrender, not just physically but also emotionally.

She simplifies and deconstructs the games the ego plays with itself, that causes increasing pain to the seeker. Offering the solution, Maharishikaa gives the practice that those suffering from this phenomenon can undertake in order to manage this powerful energy of a million suns, within their body.

Watch Part 1 of the film here:
Watch Part 2 of the film here:

#Maharishikaa #KundaliniShakti #Anger


If you know of anyone suffering from the symptoms of a disturbed Kundalini - Kundalini Awakening - or nervous disorders which neurologists have been unable to diagnose, please share this video with them.

Knowing about the importance of even simple physical Surrender can bring immense relief to those who suffer from these inexplicable symptoms.


Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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