Maharishikaa | How to Surrender and act from the Truth! | Preeti Upanishad

1 month ago

Maharishikaa answers a seeker’s question on how to surrender without the feeling of “giving up” and how to discern between the Truth Impulse and the ego’s lies. She explains the main differences that can help the seeker make this crucial distinction.

Describing the subtle Soul’s Impulse, as opposed to the loud ego’s demands, Maharishikaa reveals various facets of both these entities. She lays down the foundation by emphasizing the importance of being present in This Moment and then flowing into a state of surrender to sharpen the blade of discernment.

Putting this practice into perspective within the context of the all-encompassing vast body of knowledge that Maharishikaa unveils, she provides a panoramic view of the spiritual trajectory, spanning from past enlightenment movements to this practice of presence, which is the present and future of spirituality.

#Maharishikaa #Surrender #TruthImpulse

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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