Maharishikaa | Kundalini Pain! How to surrender? | Preeti Upanishad [PART 1]

4 months ago

Maharishikaa shows yet another person afflicted with Kundalini disturbance how to surrender to get relief. Amin, wracked with pain in one side of his body, travels to India to seek Maharishikaa's guidance, after finding relief through the Maharishikaa videos. Emotional and teary-eyed, he asks for Her help. What should his next step be?

Maharishikaa gently guides him inward towards the Antaraatman, the inner Self that is pure Love. She reveals that by bending physically, as well as emotionally, in devotion to this Antaraatman, this source of love, and continuously reminding himself that the body is an instrument only, the pain will begin to subside.

She empowers him to physically bend down in the Saashtaanga Namaskaar - the ancient expression of spiritual surrender. Remarkably, within an hour, the pain that has been plaguing him dissipates.

As with most who suffer from this disturbance, will Amin too forget this relief once he starts to recover?

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#Maharishikaa #KundaliniRelief #Surrender

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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