Airlift van en door ( 20 Watt / 15m³ waterverplaatsing )

4 hours ago

This is circulating water with no lift or resistance. There is no filter medium. One is just spinning water in a circle. Our Olomana Garden air lifts show 300 to 600 gallons per minute being lifted 48 inches above the airlift, where it can be distributed or dropped thru a filter. We installed a Pipe-in-a-pipe air lift on a 24 inch deep fish tank and pumped water at 540 gallons per hour with a 48 inch lift (above the fish tank), or 6 foot off the ground were we drop it into a 3 inch pipe and send the water to two 100 gallon bio-filter (flood and drain), we use only a 60 watt Hakko (Matala) 60 lpm diaphragm. With 48 inches of head, we have 2 psi of water pressure to push thru a filter or bottom flood a false bottom. We do do 1200 gallons per hour if only a one foot lift, dropping the water over a bio-filter. We gave away the patent rights to our inventions so others could learn how air lifts can really produce results. We do a similar system to you, but for the purpose of converting the vertical airlift to a circular horizontal spin of the fish tank. I have built and installed over 450 airlifts (in six years) in aquaponic and commercial shrimp systems. Yours is beautiful constructed and a great display at a trade show....but no work is being demonstrated, as far as I can understand.

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