Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain (71) reveals he suffered stroke (Aug'23)

4 months ago

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Longtime Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain revealed Thursday he was partially paralyzed when he suffered a stroke earlier this year as he feared his “career was over.”

McBrain, 71, detailed his serious heath struggles and said he experienced a transient ischaemic attack (TIA), also known as a ministroke, in January.

“It left me paralyzed on my right side from my shoulder on down, of course, I was very worried that my career was over,” McBrain wrote in a message to fans on the band’s YouTube channel.

The English rocker underwent an intensive 10-week physical therapy program to regain his strength right before the band started rehearsals for the band’s “The Future Past Tour,” which started in June.

McBrain said he bounced back to “somewhere near 70% recovered” as he praised his doctors, therapists, family and wife Rebecca.

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