Germany is empty

15 days ago

The Treaty of Versailles expired on January 11, 2020, and Inc. in America ended in November 2020.

But the movie we see every day had to be played through to the end in order to expose all the rotten eggs worldwide and punish them accordingly, along with their little helpers from the nations.

Those who are still left will also be caught by the military, down to the last one.

Everything that was known ends with the US Corporation, because the
founding treaty of the US Corporation came about through a falsified constitution in maritime trade law in 1871.Thank YOU ALL for still working for US.
Unemployment will rise inexorably, in every sector!

Authorities will no longer pay out anything. There are still enough people who believe that they are in a secure position. Salaries will soon be cut in many sectors. Bonuses and Christmas bonuses will no longer exist.

The upheaval in Germany has now begun. It is only a matter of time before the EU is dismantled by Orban and natural food is finally back on the table.

Of course, there will soon be a reappraisal of how the pharmaceutical and chemical industries produce food. Everyone at the highest levels, every plant manager, district manager, certain office employees, they will all face a hearing and then have to justify why they violated HUMAN RIGHTS haben‼️

You can start dressing warmly, Lidl, Aldi, Rewe, Netto and co.‼️
Germany is empty, that's exactly what Joseph Fischbein alias Joschka Fischer (Greens) wanted and said years ago.
All money must be withdrawn from Germany, no matter how, and even if it is given away, the main thing is that the Germans get nothing out of it.
The fact that everything is broke and at the end is no coincidence, it was and is a calculated tactic.
The problem for the German employees of these criminal organizations is that they are the ones who are liable.
The federal government, the federal government, the FRG have nothing to do with a Germany = military order, through their own Federal Constitutional Court they have long since withdrawn from responsibility retroactively to 1956.
With the judgment of 03.11.2015, they have already shifted full responsibility to their employees.
As a result of the BVERFG ruling of 25.07.2012, the Federal Government / FRG / FRG only received princely gifts from former employees.
Former employees because, with the judgment 25.07.2012, all contracts up to 1956 are retroactively null and void.
The former Nazi employees have therefore only been acting independently under private personal liability since 25.07.2012 at the latest.
The judgment of 03.11.2015 even prohibited them from taking any action; they are only acting culpably according to the judgment.

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