Foreign tissue injected directly into the blood! Millions infected with XMRVs.

4 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

And here are the parasites. This is a 2011 they're there at the NIH criminal center. What is killery, Hillary Clinton doing in November of 2011 with Tony Fauci, another non Christian Francis Collins, head of the NIH, Harold Varmus, Nobel Prize winner for oncogenes. By the way, God didn't create cancer causing genes. There's no such thing as BRCA1, breast cancer gene number one. It's a DNA repair from radiation, part of a large protein complex. So when you have BRCA1, and they radiate you with breast cancer, they just killed you, and they knew it, and experiment on you. What's their problem: the big why? Why did they do it? Who and why? Because, in 1991 when I defended my PhD thesis, saying all you had to do was feed and nutrify and stop injecting these poisons and truly immunize orally and mucosalli you could clear all of this as your body heals itself.

So in 1991 when I did my PhD thesis, defended it and Majic Johnson still alive, by the way, and doing well, he never got AIDS. One million Americans were infected with HIV. In 2010, a year after the publication, which, by the way, was this week, october 23 2009, our science paper that should have changed everything, should have cured all of this, because we then knew it was this practice in 2009. Fifteen long years it took and how many millions? Oh, that 17 million here in America. In 2010, 10 to 25, million Americans were infected with X.M.R.V! Xeno! Foreign tissue injected directly into the blood!

Judy Mikovits, PhD - 10/19/2024

Presentation at ReAwaken America Tour Selma, NC:

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