ROMANS # 376, God's righteousness is one of the irrevocable gifts received at salvation. (11-7-24)

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Romans 15:16 to be ( minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, ministering ( as a priest the gospel of God, that my offering of the Gentiles might become (v.ams) acceptable, sanctified (part.rp) by the Holy Spirit.

Extended verse:
Romans 15:16 to keep on being a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, continuing to minister as a priest for the gospel of God, that my *offering of the Gentiles to God might someday become acceptable, by receiving sanctification by the Holy Spirit.

Paul was a minister to the Gentiles through Christ Je-sus and a minister as a priest for the gospel of God.

minister Gr. LEITOURGOS, λειτουργός, (n.asm); serv-ant, a minister, one who cares for another, implying special duties (Ro 13:6; 15:16; Phil 2:25; Heb 1:7; 8:2)

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