#10 Day Video Challenge, Let's Talk Budget and Frugality

4 months ago

I have been challenged to upload 10 videos in 10 days to give my Gen x experiences. This video is about creating a budget and living frugally. Hopefully you all get something from this. If you have any ideas that you think are better put it in the comments below. Let's all learn and be successful together.
The weekly breakdown would not fit correctly in the Description box. So here is a basic breakdown to get you started.
Basic Budget
Mortgage/Rent Due 1st 1500
Car Payment Due 5th 500
Car Insurance Due 10th 500
Electric Due 15th 200
Gas Company Due 20th 150
Phone Due 30th 50
Dr Bills 10 wk 43
Tolls 25 wk 107.5
Car Gas $30 wk 129
Food $140 wk 602
Misc $10 wk 43
Subtotal 3824.5
Pay $75,000 yr 30% tax 4375
Subtotal 550.5
Savings/Investments 500
Total 50.5

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