There is no image of Jesus.

3 months ago

Cesare Borgias Image Portrait deception of Jesus peace be upon him.

There is no image of Jesus.

Exodus 20:4
You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
In the year 200, the pope and roman officials were arguing on how to hide information from the 1400s Jesus was pushed as Caucasian with blue eyes and blonde hair by the Popes and Vatican.... In this time Cesare Borgia the son of the pope was rumored to be the lover Leonardo da Vinci who painted Jesus in the image of Cesare Borgia. 😱
Pope Alexander VI commissioned Da Vinci to paint new renaissance era paintings of Jesus modelled after his son Cesare Borgia (Grand Master of the Italian Knights Templars) to create a European-esque Jesus as opposed to a true Israelite with dark skin.

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