TheDimStream LIVE! Rosemary's Baby (1968) | 1BR (2019) | Apartment 7A (2024)

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JQuickDraw Supporter Hola
Looking forward to the deep cinematic discussion about Rosemary's Booby.

JQuickDraw Supporter Rosemary needs a baby. SHe's running out of Thyme. Can she remain a Taragon of virtue when she is attacked by a Cloven of witches?

Guyinroom83 didn't know i was gonna be lifestyle shamed here today for my apt living.

Qriist Supporter+ she meant to say ska

Qriist Supporter+ 🎶🎶🎶

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 Apartment? That's so 20th century. Go live in a tent.

JQuickDraw Supporter Or someone else's house

Guyinroom83 well, rosemary may be a handmaiden pretty soon tbh....

JQuickDraw Supporter I watched Rosemary's Baby a long time ago, but I remember not liking it so much. People call it a horror classic, I don't get it.

JQuickDraw Supporter So Satan's grand plan to bring his son into the world depends on slipping some broad a mickey.

Guyinroom83 mainly the end is creepy, i think. i wasnt a fan of her acting in it

Qriist Supporter+ meanwhile I have the windows cracked because it's too hot

Guyinroom83 yeah, its warm here

JQuickDraw Supporter When I watched it the first time, I started laughing because I imagined the husband accidentally eating the drugged food and waking up to Satan riding him hard. "No, I can't et pregnant!"

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator That's one of the details Polanski captured from the book: the mouses have differing toppings to differentiate them.

Qriist Supporter+ Boobs: *exist*

Qriist Supporter+ Beverly: 🤯

Qriist Supporter+ lol called it

Guyinroom83 did not even know there was a book.

Guyinroom83 i liked another polansk movie, 'in hell' i think with depp

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Ira Levine is the author.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I like In Hell.

Guyinroom83 i wonder what year his accusations came out

Guyinroom83 oh, 1972

Guyinroom83 ok no, its 77. ugh

Qriist Supporter+ I also know everything.

Qriist Supporter+ oh you're talking about the movie

JQuickDraw Supporter The flip curl works better with the ribbon strip in the hair.

JQuickDraw Supporter I liked The Ninth Gate

Guyinroom83 yeah, ninth gate was the one i meant to say earlier

Guyinroom83 1BR was just about the left

Guyinroom83 especially the very end...

Guyinroom83 maybe i was thinking of 'from hell' which i dont remember

Guyinroom83 yeah i wouldn't have moved into that place. too friendly

Guyinroom83 clyne

JQuickDraw Supporter cline

Guyinroom83 yeah i was annoyed they interviewed her at the time

JQuickDraw Supporter Brainwashing the way hollywood portrays it isn't a thing. The technique is to break someone's personality and mind down to then insert thoughts or intentions. The CIA has worked on this for a while.

JQuickDraw Supporter There is also trauma based mind control, which I mentioned. You put the subject through a terrible ordeal in a short time period, then you can speed up the process compared to the repetition approach.

JQuickDraw Supporter I mean, this is what I've read.

JQuickDraw Supporter the combined use of negative and positive reinforcement has the best results. Carrot and stick together.

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw ....sure....

Guyinroom83 and how are your 'subjects' doing now @JQuickDraw

Guyinroom83 Alex knows a suspicious amount about this too...

Guyinroom83 yeah i dont have sympathy if they start doing the same shit

Guyinroom83 catherine oxenburg managed to eventually get her daughter out of nxvim

JQuickDraw Supporter You mean her new boyfriend fought them and saved her lol.

JQuickDraw Supporter "I'll get help, honey! Try not to die!"

JQuickDraw Supporter The left doesn't really believe in the individual. Everyone exists only as part of a larger whole, or rather multiple intersecting wholes - society, race, gender, etc.

JQuickDraw Supporter The cat in Alien - Jones - survived.

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