Does it make sense to maintain your roof? With #RolfTheRoofingGuy

2 months ago

As I’ve mentioned before, Building Owners I speak with are surprised when I tell them not to buy a roof based upon a Warranty.
Most roofs come with 20-Year Warranties, yet the average roof lasts less than 17 years!
How can that be? Perhaps because the roof system hasn’t been maintained.
I like to make analogies to the auto industry.
Does is make sense to maintain your roof like you do your car?
You do regular preventative maintenance on your car by changing the oil.
How about regular preventative maintenance on your roof by cleaning the drains?
You perform restoration on your car by replacing wipers before they scratch the windshield.
Why not perform restoration on your roof by replacing failing sealant before leaks develop?

If any of that resonates with you and you’d like to learn more, let me know.

My name is Rolf, AKA #RolfTheRoofingGuy, Helping you make better #roofing decisions.
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#preventativemaintenance #restoration

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