JEB Instruments Special Groundaire Scintillator Detector

2 months ago

JEB Instruments of Los Angeles, CA. offered several choices of detectors with prices ranging from $40 to almost $800. Quite expensive for 1955. This model sold for $249.50 and was advertised as “the most sensitive scintillation counter for its price in the world” . The silver aluminum tube contained a 1" x 1" sodium iodide crystal. A Deluxe Model contained a 2-1/8” x 1-1/8 crystal and sold for $595. It was said to be waterproof, tropicalized and shock mounted. These were a challenge to work on. The way its laid out its easy to break a wire while moving parts around. One of the units had a bad choke which was difficult to find. The NaTl crystals were bad as well, they got replaced with plastic scintillation units. Originally running off of obsolete 67.5 and 22.5 batteries as well as a few D cells. The obsolete batteries have been replaced with my converters using 9v"s . These Jeb detectors are difficult to find. Jeb was a small company and made very few compared to some of the big makers.

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