449 - When is a gun a gun

3 months ago

I cannot count how many times I've said it, but words mean things. It's one of the reasons I keep referring back to documents to see the actual words used so I can find their definitions. In the case Garland v. VanDerStok, the issue seems to come down not just to what the definition of a firearm is, but who gets to decide. What seemed to be forgotten in the oral arguments is the fact that, an arm by any other name, is still protected by the Second Amendment.

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00:00 Intro
01:48 The Questions Presented to the Court
04:01 Government’s Oral Argument
09:52 VanDerStok’s Oral Arguments
14:50 Questions for the Justices
17:50 Prelogar's Rebuttal
20:10 Conclusion
21:21 Epilogue

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