Audio Contrast ☆

4 months ago

In this world of blockchain and paradox rhyme,

Where life seems to twist through mystery and time,

Meditraption's the game,
healing comes with a cost,

For to find yourself whole,
first, you feel lost.

Working out leaves you weak,
yet strength’s on the way,

While learning feels foolish,
but sharpens each day.

Invest in yourself,
feel the pinch in your purse,
Only to find,
your worth start to reverse.

Facing your fears,
leaves you shaking, undone,

Yet bravery blooms,
in the heart of the run.

To heal,
you must hurt,
to love,
you must break,

And peace calls for chaos,
make no mistake.

Regret not a moment,
each one has a role, 
life’s here to balance and strengthen,
your soul.

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