Saturday Studies Daniel 11 11-9-2024

4 months ago

Daniel chapter 11 deals with the transition from the Mido-Persian Empire to the Grecian Empire and bridges part of the gap between the Old and New Testaments and Covenants.
This chapter's prophetic verses are so accurate with what secular history records, that Bible critics say that it must have been written after the facts rather than before.
Daniel is given the prophetic information by the angel that has come to him in chapter 10, who we believe to have been Gabriel.
The chapter records the defeat of the Persian Empire and the rise of the Grecian Empire. Then it tells of the conflict within the Grecian Empire between Kings of the North and South, Syria and Egypt, the Seleucids and the Ptolemies. Antiochus Epiphanes is referenced, who is a type of the antichrist that is revealed in Revelation.
All of the chapter was prophetic when Daniel received it, but much of it is now history to us. However, the relevance to its pointing to the Tribulation Period is still very relevant to us in our day.

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