Dual lights in new area [back garden!] via webcam - No Audio - Read Timeline

16 hours ago

**This has not passed my now time-tested de-bunking process** - unlike all other personal footage on several video channels around the web...
It's new and so surrounded by weirdity and thus uncertainty...
But in this clown-like era - who the f*ck knows what's what unless you create a shared communication carrier wave with the stuff...?!?

1:23 - If a true intelligent form [?? I'm usually my own sceptic and intuitive caller of what's a real phenomenon by now] is about to make itself known - there can occasionally be an initial "check-out" of the situation - we're talking half C.E.5. language here but after a decade - I don't fully buy the CE5 approach 100% - and whatever this is DOES this is a coujple of ways...

See timeline below. You'll have to skim yourself.

My decent laptop got errr, messed with remotely and this old back-up take too long rendering video to make it look decent and save viewer time.

If you're too lazy to click and scroll a 8min time-line then you're probably better off watching videos on making crochET patterns with wool.

--- conditions and camera thru window not best BUT between first quick show up of weird "dual or parallell lit object" at a distance and it's moved OFFSCREEN to the right, there's a central sky flashing small object but it's hard to make out.

3:30 - watch roof of what in England we call a 'veranda' [I think - probably a Euro thing already?!] and this thing appears again but directly in front of the very narrow and very budgET price webcam model I just set going purely becuase that area of england is known for low impact of light pollution - especially the nasty BLUE/white light spectrum of post 2015 "carbon zero - suuurrreee...] LED street furniture.

9:00 mins in - to prove it's not me or anyone else with a torch or other silly excuses [I have better things to do with my remaining time on this bizarre clown plantation of a planET] - myself and then Natasha saw what was going on via tiny smart phone screen and went out.

...talking of smart phones - my software for this camera has supposed advanced AI tech to decide on what's human/animal/mineral/aetheric or not - but I recall the pixel disruption not creating the usual alerts you get the option of if using the system for say burlars or cats pisssing on your mini veg garden patch ;-P

...maybe I had the settings wrong - i can't recall... but it's also irrelevent really.

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