Radical Left ACTIVATES Anti Trump Protests, Trump Goes to Work

3 months ago

Radical Left ACTIVATES Anti-Trump Protests, Trump Goes to Work

After President-elect Donald Trump just won a landslide victory, winning the electoral college, the popular vote, and receiving more votes in blue states than any other republican has in decades, the radical left decides to resurrect the anti-trump resistance movement. Activating their plans to resist the 47th president before he even gets sworn into office.

We also look at the updated vote counts in Arizona and Nevada, where Trump will win once they finish counting the votes.

As well as the dozen or so plans that Trump has been working on and released yesterday on social media. Laying out in detail his plan for dismantling the deep state permanently. Make sure to watch the video to learn more!

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For the maps I used in the video: https://www.snapforce.com/real-estate-insights/

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