ALL SIGNS 💥 TAROT READINGS💥 TIME STAMPED BELOW 👇 (Timeless Readings) Posted Friday 11-8-2024

3 months ago

Welcome to Healing Guides Tarot
ALL SIGNS 💥 TAROT READINGS💥 TIME STAMPED BELOW 👇 (Timeless Readings) Posted Friday 11-8-2024
This reading is for ALL The Signs. Please leave the name of your sign in the comments if you would like to see regular posted readings for your sign
Starting with Aries and Ending with Pisces
#aries,#taurus, #gemini,#cancer,#leo, #virgo,#libra.#scorpio,#sagittarius, #capricorn,#aquarius,#new,#timeless,#tarot,#tarot readings,#time stamped
IIntro 0:00
Aries 0:31
Taurus 11:00
Gemini 21:26
Cancer 30:02
Leo 40:19
Virgo 49:20
Libra 60:00
Scorpio 01:10:00
Sagittarius 01:19:19
Capricorn 01:31:09
Aquarius 01:38:00
Pisces 01:47:00

These are not Personal readings they are General readings. Just take the parts that are meant for you and leave the rest for whom it is meant for. If you do not understand the message, then it was not meant for you. I am now posting on both YouTube and Rumble. And never the same content on both channels.
If you like this content you see more of my work on YouTube
Handle on YT 👉 @healingguidestarot

For information on having a personal reading done by me please email me for details
Please ONLY correspond with this email address for personal readings.


If you care to treat me to a cup of coffee/tea ☕🤗
Never expected. Always appreciated.💖🙏

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f you care to treat me to a cup of coffee/tea ☕🤗
Never expected. Always appreciated.💖🙏

Thank You!😘

These readings are for Entertainment Only.
Please consult your medical professionals regarding any medical, emotional conditions and concerns. I am not qualified to address anything that requires any Medical or Psychological treatments. Nor, any Legal or Financial matters. Please seek Professionals on these matters.
Thank You! Many Blessings to ALL 🙏🙏🙏🧡

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