Gregg Phillips on the Latino Vote, Microtargeting Election Messaging w/AI--targets near 100% Turnout

3 months ago

with Rich Valdes AUDIO PODCAST
full show the 11/6 episode on opens with Hogan Gidley, Trump's former Deputy Press Sec, about the election2024.

I am not a fan of this technology beyond the short-term while we're chasing ballots and so on and we need to out-communist the Democrats to remove them from institutions and destroy their influence, I get that. But Govt shouldnt have this info one minute after that outside of military threat preparation, NEITHER SHOULD CORPORATIONS or individuals, we need an internet bill of rights. If the gov wants to know what voters are interested in, just listen to what we say. But the gov wants to steer us into wanting this or that and target groups with psyops, at some point these mass encroachments on 4A have to stop and Gregg's work on gov surveillance has to go in the shitcan after it's outlived its purpose.

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