Backdating Apocalypse as the Revelation Continues — Ep 350

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The last four years have been exhausting.

And while long-suffering defenders of the U.S. Constitution breathe a sigh of relief, hopeful that the Republic can be restored, it’s imperative to remember that there will be no Orange Messiah.

We The People are responsible for our future. We feel the pain in every loss of freedom and know exactly how We’ve gotten to this point. We are the ones who’ve lived beneath the boot, and it is We who’ve come face-to-face with evil.

Our love of what’s behind us will inspire our decision making. Our ends will be determined by the justice of our means.

As the sun threatens to set on our liberties and darkness closes in, the enemies of freedom should know that our eyes are fixed on the light from the horizon and the open road ahead.

We’ve seen the heart of darkness, and the American Apocalypse is in the rear-view mirror.

The fight for humanity is just beginning.

It’s time to throttle up.

The Unconquerable Council backdates the Apocalypse as the Revelation continues on November 7, 2024

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