A Wave of Foreclosures Coming! How To Prepare and Capitalize!

4 months ago

In this video I discuss and article from MarketWatch (link below) that talks about how there is a 40% increase in 401K Hardship withdraws. The majority of the hardships listed are to prevent a foreclosure or eviction.

What this means is that people are tapping into their 401K retirement money to pay for their house because the house costs (specifically property taxes and insurance) have skyrocketed.

The amount of 401K withdraws has actually doubled since 2021.

Does this mean we could see a wave of foreclosures, evictions, and defaults hitting the market? I believe so!

Tapping into 401K money is typically a last resort for someone who is having financial trouble. 401K money is meant to be long term savings. What is going to happen when people run out of their emergency fund.

In this video and on this coming Wednesday's livestream we'll be talking about the specific actions we're taking to prepare for the possible coming real estate downturn . Join us Wednesday at 11 am (and every Wednesday) to discuss!

If you want to learn how to build a profitable real estate company yourself, we created a Free book that teaches you the fundamentals along with a ton of other Free Resources:


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Link To Article Cited in Video:


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