YouTube Troll ‘Mouse’ Sparks Outrage.

3 months ago

You are the company you keep.

"Why are you lying to people? With therapy it is not all that difficult for a child to get over having a love affair with an adult. Saying that is has life-long devastating effects is a lie. Yes some may suffer trauma due to being forced against their will but I'm talking about children who agree to going into a relationship with an adult. As the saying goes once she can bleed she can breed. And that is nature laying down the rules not man's stupid laws"

The statement Mouse shared is deeply problematic and contains harmful myths. Here’s a fact-based response to address these misconceptions:

Informed Consent and Child Development: Children cannot legally or developmentally give informed consent to relationships with adults. Their cognitive and emotional development is not mature enough to comprehend the long-term consequences of such interactions, making them vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation.

Trauma and Lasting Effects: Research has repeatedly shown that sexual abuse, even when not physically forced, has profound and often lifelong negative psychological, emotional, and social effects on children. Survivors frequently deal with trust issues, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges well into adulthood. This is true even in cases where children may initially seem compliant, as the imbalance of power and understanding creates inherent harm.

The Misuse of Sayings and Biological Arguments: Phrases like "once she can bleed, she can breed" are used to justify exploitation and are based on outdated and harmful views. Just because a person has reached physical maturity (i.e., puberty) does not mean they are emotionally or mentally equipped for relationships with adults. Modern societies have laws to protect minors precisely because of the significant differences in power and maturity between children and adults.

The protection of children is paramount, and minimising or romanticising these interactions is dangerous and perpetuates harm. The goal of laws and education is to create a safe environment where children can grow and develop without exploitation.

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