"It will lower everyone's standard of living, it will lower their freedoms."

4 months ago

"It will lower everyone's standard of living, it will lower their freedoms."

Dr. William Happer, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Princeton University:

"There are lots of people who are profiting enormously from the so-called climate emergency."

"The wind turbine makers, and the solar panel makers, and the electric car makers... All of them are getting big subsidies from you and me, from taxpayers, to produce products that are really not very good."

"We have all this inferior technology pushed on the average person that really shouldn't be pushed... because it will lower everyone's standard of living, it will lower their freedoms."

"I think sooner or later it will collapse... What I'm trying to do is to make it collapse sooner rather than later, because the longer it goes, the more damage that is done."

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