The Wicked Prophesied: FBI in Possession of Trump Photos with Nude Underage Girls!

3 months ago

Shamelessly, the vile offenders of children have upLIFTED their false idol to the seat of his GOLDEN THRONE from which all his sins will be dismissed and the little ones will suffer for it!
America is OVER! This free nation is no longer free from the clutches of the devil! The spoiled wicked dismissed the hurt they caused and the insurmountable damage inflicted upon the innocent THROUGH THE vices of their own cruelty and IGNORANCE! These wicked souls CHOSE evil over good! They chose dishonor over HONOR! They chose the lie over truth, because it's the road of a coward and GOD does NOT forgive what they've done to these precious little ones!
The offenders of children want you to hear them now and take what they have to say to be genuine and pure! NEVER FORGET, every single thing they've either said or done up to this point has been a BOLD FACED LIE! Proud Lies!
Any of GOD'S children with the mental capacity to step one foot in front of the other has NO EXCUSE for accepting the words emitted from the lips of these wicked souls, who'd betray themselves to destroy you!
My wife is putting in her notice at her office after 20+ years of family, but WE FOUND OURSELVES incapable of forgiving folks who aren't sorry!
We've found it so difficult to smile with those who endorse such a terrible sick individual, Donald Trump RAPIST, TRAITOR, CON ARTIST, FRAUDSTER AND NOW POSSIBLE CHILD MOLESTER!
My serving sons are completely broken hearted that their NEW COMMANDER N CHIEF is a criminal anti-American RAPIST!
Our hearts are broken because the wicked turned on all of us!!!
ALL OF US, for no more reason than being HATE FILLED!

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