Bulwark Crew Wishes Biden Would've Been More Authoritarian To Prevent Authoritarianism

4 months ago

Posted • November 7, 2024: We're going to hear a lot of Lefties telling us authoritarianism is bad over the coming days, weeks, and months. They'd be right, if they weren't so darned hypocritical about it all. Because they don't mind authoritarianism when they do it. That's (D)ifferent. Watch the Bulwark crew lament that Joe Biden wasn't more of an authoritarian. To prevent authoritarianism. Cause that's bad. Or something. Anyone catch this? At the end of last night's Bulwark's election coverage, the hosts, agitated at Democrats' impending demise, said the Biden Admin should have gotten even more extreme to prevent this from occurring. Jonathan Last (JVL): "[The Biden Admin] should have been quite radical. They should have made D.C. a state, they should have actually expanded the Supreme Court, they should have done a whole bunch of stuff that would have been deeply unpopular, but … would have restructured the framework in such a way as to make it harder for the next authoritarian attempt." (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Bulwark Crew Wishes Biden Would’ve Been More Authoritarian to Prevent Authoritarianism

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