Ezekiel War Prophecy Counterfeited (Eze 38-39) I Had It Wrong

4 months ago

Join Doug at 12:30pm EST (Wednesday, November 6, 2024) as he continues the live podcast discussion on Ezekiel 37 through 39 which includes the chapter in which Ezekiel is presented with a field of dry bones which the Father instructs him to speak to the bones to live. This was an allegory for the Father bringing Israel and Judah back to the land. Some think (as I once did) that this has been fulfilled with the 1948 creation of the modern nation of Israel. But if you read into the chapter line by line, there are clear indicators that this return is accomplished by the Messiah and that while He is in power the land of Israel is so safe the people need not even lock their doors. Israel, as we know it now, has been on the edge of war conditions or in a state of war since day one, and as a country they are not experiencing the peace described in Ezekiel 37 nor are they a people of one heart who do the righteous judgments of the Torah as the chapter describes. Also, they do not have one messianic ruler for which the chapter requires. Ezekiel 37 is literally speaking of the return of Jesus Christ at which point, as He prophesied in Matthew 24, He will gather and bring "the elect" to Israel from the four winds, establish His Kingdom and rule in peace. But who are the elect? As Jesus said when He explained to His disciples, Who are my mother and my brethren? They who hear the Word of God and do it.

Continuing in Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39, which speak of a war which involves Israel being attacked by Gog and Magog, as well as Togamar, Persia, Ethiopia, Lybia, etc, Israel is still described as a land of peace and "unwalled" cities which has no fear. As already stated, post 1948 Israel has never, for any extended period, experienced this type of peace. This peace can only exist there during the millennial reign in which the Messiah rules, so this means that the war described in Ezekiel 38 and 39 must be the same one prophesied in Revelation 20, a war which occurs AT THE END OF THE MILLENNIAL REIGN, which is the thousand year reign of peace of the Messiah Jesus Christ.

As many of us have been taught with regard to these chapters, and have shared ourselves (including me), is that the dry bones chapter began to see its fulfillment in 1948 and that the Ezekiel 38 war happens prior to Jesus' return, at the beginning of the tribulation because of the mention that it takes seven years to clean up the mess that is the result of the war, which would coincide with a seven year tribulation period. Inasmuch as I taught this as a possibility, I am sorry, I repent and am changing my position on the prophecies in these chapters to coincide with what I've stated above.

I do believe, however, that the "powers that be" fully intend to use Ezekiel 37-39, right now, in this time, to justify just such a war and also to hasten in the anti-Christ, as a means by which Satan can counterfeit the messianic prophecy of Ezekiel and put himself on that throne through his "beast," with Satan indwelling and possessing the anti-christ himself.

This is going to be a wild ride, so climb aboard this podcast express.

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