Dracula Bowie Knife

4 months ago

What kind of blade could take down the legendary villain Dracula? It would have to be a legendary blade itself. Funny enough in the original Dracula novel written by Bram Stoker he chose for that legendary blade to be the American Bowie knife (the Kukri was in there too, maybe that'll be another video someday). In todays video, I am bringing my version of that blade to life.
Thanks so much for watching, see you in the next video.
- Matt

If you are interested in making your own version of the Dracula Bowie, I made an online course with detailed steps covering every step of the process. It is available for members of my Skool community, "Backyard Bladesmiths" https://www.skool.com/backyard-bladesmiths-8589/about



0:00 - Intro
0:21 - Forging San Mai
4:00 - Forging the blade
8:48 - Heat Treat
11:00 - Too close to the edge
13:27 - Lets try this again
17:15 - Bad news tacos
19:29 - Back on track
24:52 - Sand Handing
26:37 - Guard
36:55 - Framed
41:08 - Scales
44:59 - Gluing stuff
45:46 - Nonsense
48:14 - Etching
48:44 - Assembly
49:39 - Peening stuff
50:42 - Getting it sharp
52:04 - Fin

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