Jack Smith To Be Fired As Special Counsel, Federal Cases Against Trump To Be Dropped

2 months ago

Posted • November 7, 2024: The Department of Justice is getting rid of Special Counsel Jack Smith before Trump takes office. They are dropping the two federal cases against Trump. One quibble is that the newscaster described the Florida documents case as being ‘dropped’ when it is more properly described as ‘dismissed.’ As in, dismissed by the judge instead of being voluntarily dropped by the prosecutors. We are also not sure how Jack Smith feels about what the DOJ said and if he will attempt to fight the dismissal of him and the case. We have been extremely critical of him as a prosecutor. Indeed, we wrote that we thought a subtext in the Supreme Court’s immunity decision was the Court firing a warning shot at Smith. As we have said before:

From 2010 to 2014, Virginia had a governor named Bob McDonnell and he was considered a rising star in the Republican Party. He might have been a leading candidate for President in 2016, until Obama’s Justice Department went after him. He was convicted of accepting bribes, but McDonnell argued that even if he had committed all the conduct that the government alleged, the statute didn’t cover what he had done. The district court found against him. The Fourth Circuit found against him. But then he won in the Supreme Court. Unanimously. They vacated the verdict below and, as far as the law is concerned, he was never convicted nor could he be tried again. (McDonnell v. U.S., 136 S. Ct. 2355 (2016)) But by then the damage was done. We haven’t seen hide nor hair of McDonnell since then. The federal prosecutors lost, but what a coincidence? They wrecked the political career of a man who might have presented a serious challenge to the Democrat nominee in 2016.

Oh, and the prosecutor involved in that case? Jack Smith. People keep saying Smith is an independent prosecutor, but the Biden administration knew exactly what they were getting when they appointed him: A political attack dog, who doesn’t mind stretching the law to get his man. So, yeah, maybe Smith made his own decisions, but that’s a bit like releasing a starving wolf into the same cage as a sheep and pretending you don’t know what the outcome will be. The Biden administration might have been a little fuzzy on the details, but they knew what Smith would do: He’d go after Trump and get him on anything he could. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Jack Smith to Be Fired as Special Counsel, Federal Cases Against Trump to be Dropped

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