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The View' Co-Hosts React To Trump's 2024 Presidential Win Do Women Really Need Men?
How Can So Much Stupidity And Ignorance Be At One Table At The Same Time. I'm So Embarrassed By How Stupid The View TV Show Lesbian Taco Tuesday Host Our And The True Bisexual Women From The Show "View" Are Still Telling The American People They Are Stupidest Birthing Person In The World, They Are Most Uneducated Women In The World Today, And Are The Most Toxic American Lesbian People Alive Today, Misogynistic, Sexist, Bigoted, And Fascist, For Bad Difference Of Opinion Is Not A Great Idea ! And The Stupid Women From The View Said "Do Women Really Need Men" ?
When the husband doesn't help he's useless, but when he does help he's a servant. When he doesn't talk about his feelings, useless, but when he does, he's gay. I think the host just genuinely hates men.
According to the search results, Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election by securing 72,602,177 popular votes. This marks a significant milestone, as Trump becomes the first Republican candidate to win the popular vote in 20 years.
I'm So Embarrassed By How Stupid The View Women Are And Someone Needs To Remind Them... Again, Again, And Again We Do Not Live In A Democracy. We Live In A Constitutional Republic Period.
I want to thank The View for all their efforts to get Trump re-elected. Your hard work did not go unnoticed. Enjoy your day ! "If Trump wins we're leaving the country" What time are your flights ?
Donald Trump being the person to stop the chance of the first female president 2 times is hilarious Thank you for your interview with kamala And asking her what she would do different than Biden did and she said nothing. That was the push we needed Thank you sunny.
Car breaks down: Man fixes it
House is on fire: Man fixes it
Electricity goes out: Man fixes it
Toilet won't flush: Man fixes it
Need shelter: Man builds it
Need food: Man grows it
Need to go somewhere: Man builds the roads and builds the cars
Need a coffee: Man farms the coffee beans
Need to browse the internet on your computer: Man invented that too
Need emotional support: Call your girlfriend on the smartphone Man created
Should I keep going ?
- Woman love to complain, meanwhile men continue to create the world we live in.
Privilege is priceless
Based on the provided search results, here is a comprehensive list of hosts and co-hosts for the TV show “The View” through the years:
1. Barbara Walters (1997-2014)
2. Star Jones (1997-2006)
3. Joy Behar (1997-present)
4. Debbie Matenopoulos (1997-2000)
5. Meredith Vieira (1997-2006)
6. Lisa Ling (2000-2002)
7. Elisabeth Hasselbeck (2003-2013)
8. Rosie O’Donnell (2006-2007, 2014-2015)
9. Whoopi Goldberg (2007-present, moderator)
10. Sherri Shepherd (2007-2014)
11. Jenny McCarthy (2013-2014)
12. Rosie Perez (2014-2015)
13. Nicolle Wallace (2014-2015)
14. Jedediah Bila (2015-2018)
15. Meghan McCain (2017-2021)
16. Sara Haines (2015-2016, 2018-present)
17. Sunny Hostin (2016-present)
18. Ana Navarro (2020-present)
19. Alyssa Farah Griffin (2020-present)
Note: This list may not be exhaustive, as there might be additional guest hosts or fill-in co-hosts not mentioned in the provided search results.
This show is toxic. It really is. I am a woman and I was very offended by the disrespect most of this panel has for men. If your husband is useless, you picked him. If your sons are useless, your raised them.
Lesbian Taco Tuesday Meaning ?
Based on the provided search results, here’s a comprehensive answer:
Lesbian Taco Tuesday:
In some online contexts, “Taco Tuesday” is used as a humorous or ironic term to describe a sexual act between two women, often referred to as “scissoring” or “taco toasting.” This usage is not widely accepted or mainstream.
In other contexts, “Taco Tuesday” might simply refer to a popular cultural phenomenon where people celebrate Tuesdays by eating tacos or engaging in taco-themed activities.
Bisexual Woman:
A bisexual woman is an individual who identifies as a woman and experiences romantic, emotional, and/or sexual attraction to both men and women.
Bisexuality is an important aspect of human sexuality, and it’s essential to recognize and respect individuals who identify as bisexual, including women.
The term “Lesbian Taco Tuesday” might seem unrelated to bisexuality at first glance. However, it’s essential to consider the intersectionality of identities. A bisexual woman might also identify as lesbian or queer, and her sexual orientation is not limited to a single label.
The concept of intersectionality acknowledges that individuals have multiple identities, such as race, gender, sexuality, and more, which intersect and influence one another.
In the context of the provided search results, “Lesbian Taco Tuesday” appears to be a humorous or ironic term with limited mainstream acceptance. A bisexual woman is an individual who experiences attraction to both men and women, and her identity is distinct from the term “Lesbian Taco Tuesday.”
It’s crucial to recognize and respect individuals’ complex identities, including their sexual orientations, gender identities, and other aspects of their being. By doing so, we can foster a more inclusive and accepting environment for everyone.
I recently downloaded The View TV Show TikTok (and am in love with about eight gorgeous lesbians already). I’ve seen some ask if you identify as gay, bi, straight, or a taco. I know the reference to “taco,” but what on Earth does it mean as a descriptor ? Feeling old and out of the loop.
The Following Is A True Story About Gangs-Riots-Looting-Protests Propaganda. So If anyone hurts you or insult you or use wrong pronoun with you or other words the right things to do is go home and pee in your bed and set your home on fire and later go looting and riots and set car on fire and maybe kill someone. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting the same result. It is so weird, I was writing this sentence right now as said this exact same thing for a new world order.
The looting is most likely being planned in conjunction with the protests. The chaos just makes it more difficult to get caught. While other states have said most of their looters are out-of-towners this is the opposite for southern California. The data is still fresh, but most of the looters in LA county have been locals, students, unemployed, laborers. Which likely translates to low income and young people. These ‘protests’ are going through shopping districts, including high end places like Santa Monica, Hollywood, Beverly Hills. There is video of looters literally walking around with toaster ovens, bedding, surfboards, in hand like they just went shopping. Some are so organized they are coming in with duffle bags and clearing cash registers. My suspicion is that these people have shoplifted before, and when your friends are doing it you’re likely to join in too. The U.S. also being a consumer society doesn’t make the temptation for material things any easier.
The Following Is A True Story About Gangs-Riots-Looting-Protests Propaganda. So If anyone hurts you or insult you or use wrong pronoun with you or other words... the right things to do is go home and pee in your bed and set your home on fire and later go looting and riots and set car on fire and maybe kill someone ?
So after a night of fun like riots and looting - rape - setting fires - killing !
So now you are home you wake-up at 11:20am and see your mom. hay mom. I got you a new PC and new TV last night and other thing nice for you mom. thanks you son. or he-she-trans-etc. so after you eat its now 12 noon. mom or dad why are you home today ? you are late for work mom ? no son i'm not late.
do you remember i work at walmart son... yes mom i do. you and other burned walmart down last night son. do you remember this son. yes a fun time too. and your dad works at 7-11 son. yes i remember we burn it down last night too. and your grandfather worked at Costco son... and your grandmother worked at ? yes yes yes mom i remember we burned the whole town last night. so we need to move now son. as your whole family is now out of work son. etc. etc. etc.
Mom thanks again for new PC and new TV and pair of Nike shoe last night son. Its so funny now. you pee in your own bed and wake-up wet in the morning and say why I'm I wet now. Lol maybe its because you pee on yourself last night and this why + American's Our Smartest People In The World Today. WoW
American's Our Smartest People In The World Be Honest. As an Observer of American Society, the thought may have crossed your mind at one time or another at least for a fleeting moment or two that the nation's dysfunctional state of affairs is the result of widespread stupidity. The people, too often misinformed and poorly educated, are getting exactly the democracy they deserve. Perhaps that thought arose last week as you watched the cringe-worthy presidential debate, which pundits have called "a disgrace" and "an embarrassment for the ages." Our public discourse has been in decline for so long that it was bound to come to this, right?
Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the administration in response to the “zero tolerance” policy that led to the separation of families at the border.
“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building, according to video of the event.
Because rioting achieves nothing.
The people participating are mostly aware of that. There are participants who are legitimately enraged by police brutality and feel that this public display is the only way to bring any attention to their situation, but the reality is that all riots serve to do is make the rioters look like uneducated savages who do not know how to conduct themselves in the public forum, regardless of how legitimate the original cause was.
The vast majority of those involved, particularly young rioters- at least in my belief, based on their recorded actions- are not trying to affect any form of political change. They are they because they want to break some windows for fun. It’s out of the ordinary, a chance to act a bit crazy, and basically quite exciting. Not that I’m approving of it, or saying I would be joining in, but you’re lying to yourself if you think that there isn’t a sort of abandoned fun in going around and mindlessly destroying things. Mob mentality takes over, and you don’t necessarily see any victims at the time; everyone is joining in, so why not just put that window through?
The same people are there to get a free TV. It’s the same sort of sense of careless abandon, and the chance to go wild. If asked, you bet your ass they will tell you just how evil the system and their police enforcers are, in between destroying the private property of others- innocent others, who had no hand in the killing of George Floyd- and scoring some “free” stuff for their apartment.
America does indeed have a problem in the smarts department and it appears to be getting worse, not better.
On Tuesday, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released the results of a two-year study in which thousands of adults in 23 countries were tested for their skills in literacy, basic math and technology. The US fared badly in all three fields, ranking somewhere in the middle for literacy but way down at the bottom for technology and math.
This shouldn't be all that surprising as there is a well documented pattern of American school kids failing to keep up with their tiger cub counterparts in other countries. But these results are the first concrete proof that this skill gap is extending well beyond school and into adulthood. The question is, do the study's results imply, as the New York Post so delicately put it, that "US adults are dumber than your average human"? Hardly, but it does suggest that many Americans may not be putting the smarts they have to good use, or, more likely, that they are not getting the opportunity to do so. Put another way: it's inequality, stupid.
Just a quick scan of the countries that fared really well in all three categories (Norway, Sweden, Japan, Finland and the Netherlands) compared to the countries that fared really badly (America and Britain) gives a pretty good indication that the inequality that is rampant in the (allegedly) dumber nations might have something to do with their pitifully low scores. A closer look at the results is also revealing. The incomes of Americans who scored the highest on literacy tests are on average 60% higher than the incomes of Americans with the lowest literacy scores, who were also twice as likely to be unemployed. So broadly speaking, the better off the American, the better they did on the tests.
Now this is just a wild guess, but could this possibly have something to do with the fact that the kind of schools a poor American kid will have access to are likely to be significantly inferior to the kinds of schools wealthier kids get to attend? Or that because of this, a poor kid's chances of getting into a good university, even if she could manage to pay for it, are also severely compromised? And let me go one step further and suggest that the apparent acceleration of America's dumbing down might be directly connected with the country's rising poverty rates.
Before I go on, I should say that even I can see some holes in the above theory. You only have to look at certain members of congress ( Read: who forced the government to shutdown last week), for instance, many of whom attended some of the finest universities (and make bucket loads of money), to see that even an Ivy League education may be of little use to a person who is simply prone to stupidity. I should add also that many people believe that it's the large immigrant population (of which I'm a member) who are responsible for bringing down the nation's IQ, which further complicates the dumb American narrative. Indeed one could argue all day about the reasons Americans are falling behind, (Woody Allen blames fast food), but we should at least be able to agree on the remedies.
Here's the thing, most economists agree that in this technology driven age, a highly skilled workforce is key to any real economic recovery. It doesn't bode well for the future then that so many American students, particularly low-income and minority students, are graduating high school without basic reading or math skills. Nor does it inspire confidence that students who leave school without basic skills are not acquiring them as adults. So America's alleged dumbness has a lot to do with inadequate schooling for (poor) children and teenagers and a dearth of continuing education opportunities for low-income adults. By contrast, the OECD study found that in (more equal) countries that fared better in the tests, like Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands, more than 60% of the adult population have engaged in continuing education programs or on the job training.
The smart thing to do then surely would be to pour resources into early and continuing education opportunities so that American adults will be equipped with the necessary skills to compete in the global economy. This is where the dumb argument really gets a boost, however, because the opposite is happening. Those same congressional geniuses I alluded to earlier are also responsible for forcing through the cuts known as sequestration, which among other things cut 5% from the federal education budget. Because federal education funding is doled out according to the number of low-income students in a given school, it is poor children, the ones who most need the help, who are being disproportionately impacted by the cuts. Furthermore since 2010, almost $65m, over one-tenth of the entire budget, has been cut from adult education grants.
So are Americans dumb? The answer appears to be yes, some are. The dumb ones are not the poor minorities or low skilled adults who fared badly on the OECD tests, however, but a certain privileged and selfish elite, who have suffered from no want of opportunities themselves, yet seem to think that denying millions of struggling Americans an equal (or indeed any) opportunity to get ahead is a sensible way forward. The results are in now and clearly it isn't. The question is will enough Americans be smart enough to do something about it?
Black's Is White's Law Dictionary and Read Secret Canons of Judicial Miss-Conduct Info. -
Rules Professional Responsibility course about various provisions of the Code of Judicial Conduct. This is a quick overview that hits the highlights. Video Is Good... You Can Read Court Laws and Secret Canons of Judicial Conduct Law Info. Below:
Facts About Slavery Never Mentioned By Antifa/Black Lives Matter In School Lesson -
The Irish were slaves too; slaves had it better than Northern factory workers; black people fought for the Confederacy; and other lies, half-truths, and irrelevancies. A certain resistance to discussion about the toll of American slavery isn’t confined to the least savory corners of the Internet.
History of Deadliest Prison and Street Gangs United States and Your Gun Right Laws -
No matter how strict you make gun laws a criminal will always be a criminal and a criminal with a gun or without a gun, will always break the law. I don’t believe the lies they are trying to feed you they don’t work. In this video, we're going to take a look at the history of gangs and the deadliest street gangs in the world. We'll explore the role gangs have played in different parts of history, and we'll look at some of the most notorious prison gangs in the world.
Human Zoos America's Forgotten History of Scientific Racism and The Worlds Fair's -
Human Zoos tells the shocking story of how thousands of indigenous peoples were put on public display in America in the early decades of the twentieth century. The harmful exhibition and practices displaying humans that are known today as “Human Zoos” took place for centuries, and their impact can still be seen today. Colonial exhibitions and fairs, circuses, zoos, and museums all took part in exhibiting people from across the world that were deemed other and, thus, curious to observe by white masses that deemed themselves superior and more civilized.
Obama, Pelosi, Waters, Squad of 4 Said Today - Trump In Jail - No Bail - A Gag Order -
First Federal Rule. Alvin Bragg, Manhattan district attorney In My Opinion Is President Donald Trump a Flight Risk and More Charges To Be Filed & Trump In Jail 20 Years "If Not May He Rest In Peace" Did Obama really say, "they bring a knife we bring a gun" without getting impeached?
Speech On Human Trafficking Before United State Congress and Child Sex Tourism -
Sex tourism is the practice of traveling to foreign countries, often on a different continent, with the intention of engaging in sexual activity or relationships in exchange for money or lifestyle support. It predominantly operates in countries where sex work is legal but there are countries where laws prohibit it. Human trafficking occurs on an international, national, and local level. Whether you live in a small town or a large city, human trafficking can be happening in your own backyard or apartment building.
Secrets Meeting Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old -
In A Secrets Meeting Per U.S.A. New Sharia Law Rules 2022 and Kids Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy Rules 2023 Kids Can Now Start At Age 8 Yrs. Old Puberty Blockers Drugs Per President Joe Biden's Administration has confirmed that the legal age of consent for sex and marriage will be lowered to 8 yrs old starting February 16th. 2023 During a speech Tuesday afternoon, Biden stated ‘We have to do it... The age, the kids, they should be about this old.’ He then held up a gesture suggesting the historic decrease. Puberty typically starts between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls and AFABs and New Age of Consent, specifically one young person's question about whether or not to wait until she reaches to have sex, is complicated.
Comparison Most Hated People And U.S.A. Politicians And Civil Rights Leaders Too. -
Reasons for hate spans in several different things that are inexplicable and is dependent and determined mainly on the personalities of different people and its interaction with each other.
Undercover 30+ Armed Antifa Men AK-47 Assault Weapons Kid-Friendly Drag Show -
Undercover 30+ Armed Antifa is the armed militia of the Democratic Party and is back in force extremists protect Texas drag show for very young children Aug 30, 2022 Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah 2023?. Yes, this happened in Texas U.S.A. Scorecard reports: Over the weekend, the DFW-area Anderson Distillery and Grill hosted an “all ages welcome” drag show.
Frontline Antifa White Supremacist Black American Genocide And Brutal Mass Killing -
Genocide Black Abortions in America Abortion Kills 1,000 Black Babies Every Day in America. Abortion is not just a Woman’s Issue. It’s a Human Rights Issue. Abortion is the Number One Killer and Mass Murder of Black Lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Abortion Kills More Black People than HIV, Homicide, Diabetes, Accident, Cancer, and Heart Disease … Combined. An All-Black Group is Arming itself and demanding change. They are the NFAC When two loud bangs rang out on the streets of Lafayette, Louisiana, no one knew where the gunshots came from as protesters gathered to demand justice for another Black man killed by police.
Now 6 Million Strong Men-Trans-Woman Armed Antifa/NFAC Men Assault Weapons -
Trans-Woman Armed Antifa/NFAC ? Gun-Toting Trans-gender Woman who has become the face of the 'Day of Vengeance' organized by trans activists after Nashville massacre is 'former Soldier' Undercover 30+ Armed Antifa is the armed militia of the Democratic Party and is back in force extremists protect Texas drag show for very young children Aug 30, 2022 An All-Black Group Arming itself and demanding change - NWO Among the crowd was a group of armed Black men and women who call themselves the "Not (Fu*king) Messing Around Coalition" or NFAC. The group did not run toward the gunshots or break formation. Instead, they kneeled on the ground amid the confusion, and then walked away after their leader shouted, "fall back! fall back!" The all-Black, Atlanta-based group has grown in size out of frustration during a summer of protests against questionable policing and the deaths of countless Black people at the hands of police, said their founder John Fitzgerald Johnson.
A Gun Owner And Racist Whoopi Goldberg Wants a Constitutional Amendment Etc. -
Whoopi Goldberg born Karen (Caryn) Elaine Johnson; November 13, 1955) She-He-Trans Militant Democrat Whoopi Goldberg Revolutionary Actions Group of the New Klan called Armed Antifa who have AR-15 and AK-47 Assault Weapons and other radical racists are explored is an American comedienne, actress, democrat political activist, writer and television host. Although Goldberg made her film debut in the avant-garde ensemble semi-porn film at the time.
Whoopi Goldberg Why Blacks Killing Blacks African Americans Are Taking Up Arms -
Racist Whoopi Goldberg Wants To Disarming All America and want to destroy the very foundation of freedom that our country was built upon. Because we have more guns than people, we are immediately, categorically different than how you disarm other countries too. Semi-Porn Film Star And Now Militant Democrat Whoopi Goldberg Revolutionary Actions Group of the New Klan called Armed Antifa who have AR-15 and AK-47 Assault Weapons and other radical racists are explored is an American. Whoopi Goldberg Said with a few exceptions for human trafficking and pedophile and gangs and sex and drug cartels and any and all other criminal organization. we must disarming all other all over the world now.
Pedophile "Alexandria Ocasio Cortez" Satan Worship Religious Freedom Argument Who? -
Pedophile Multimillionaire Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Whitewashing the Democratic Party’s Its Heritage Not Hate Real History... Who ? Women Who ? Ku Klux Klan Women Who ? Women Of All Race's Who ? Less Racist the South gets, the more Republican it becomes.
So Slavery Is Over ? So With Your Freedom ? You Kill & Rape Each Other No Go Zone -
RACE, CRIME, RAPE, ABORTION, AND INCARCERATION IN THE UNITED STATES Race, crime, and incarceration have long been linked in the United States. This page explores its various manifestations including African American participation in organized crime including in particular the rise of gangs and gang violence, African Americans and the prison system, its impact on black life, and the people and organizations engaged in challenging and changing that system. As with our pages on Black Lives Matter and Racial Violence in the United States, we are constantly updating and invite you to make suggestions on other examples that should be included.
In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ? Most Evil Christians In World King James Bible 1611 -
In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ? Out of all the gangsters, serial killers, mass murderers, incompetent & crooked politicians, spies, traitors, and ultra left-wing kooks in all of American history,” asked a conservative and have you ever wondered who the worst of the worst In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ?
Corrupt Organizations Part One Democratic Party Police Force Ku Klux Klan History -
The Ku Klux Klan is the oldest democratic party police force terrorist group in the United States. This secret society, created in 1865, has survived throughout the decades and has always managed to rise from its ashes. It has been making the news for over 150 years. 150 years of hatred, racism and horror. A cruel history whose demons still haunt America.
Corrupt Organizations Part Two Democratic Party Police Force Ku Klux Klan History -
Maxine Waters, Antifa-BLM, God Bless America's Blacks Killing Blacks Candace Owen -
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting the same result. It is so weird, I was writing this sentence right as Candace said this exact same thing!!! Wow, I'm just kinda freaked because it was the exact moment I finished the sentence. It's so true though. The extremist liberal thinking is getting old and not working. Intreresting that she mentions Maxine Waters said God Bless Blacks Killing Blacks, living outside the district she represents, in a 6 million dollar mansion. I have to wonder how she was able to afford that 6 million dollar mansion and how and why she doesn't live in the district she was elected to represent.
Largest Black Genocide Supremacist Group In U.S.A. Is The Black Ku Klux Klan Itself -
Largest Black Ku Klux Klan Party And Largest Genocide Black Supremacist Group In U.S.A. Is Blacks Democrats Killing Blacks Democrats With Mass Abortion Millions Black Baby Killed A Year and its true the democrats party police who supported the Ku Klux Klan are killings blacks today. This is the conscious act of millions blacks mother killing blacks baby's who are killing a human black life or a being inside the womb of the black mother, resulting in the death of the black embryo or a black fetus.
Black Genocide So End Of The Black Race U.S.A. Black Marry Fat White Women Only -
So End Of The Black Race U.S.A. Black Marry Fat White Women Only Beauty of Black Men Being With White Women Things I Love and Hate About It Genuine question here, why is it that black men go for the bigger blond white girl and women. Every black guy I know is in a relationship with a big white girl or very fat white women.
New Black Panther Party Elmer Geronimo Pratt Gun Club Black Liberation Movement -
An armed coalition of Black self-defense groups including New Black Panther Party, Elmer Geronimo Pratt Gun Club, and the Black Liberation Movement rallied Saturday throughout Gulfport, Mississippi for Jaheim McMillan, a 15-year-old shot last month by police.
Armed Black Lives Matter Activists And Other All-Wing Groups Antifa Come Together -
Armed with AR-15 and AK-47 Etc. Black Lives Matter activists and all-left-right-wing groups with Antifa come together for open carry Death To America March in united show of support of the 2nd Amendment and A Black and White Genocide Supremacist Group of Black Ku Klux Klan Itself In U.S.A.
Per U.S.A. Government Every Man, Women, & Child Is A Criminal & Need 2 Go To Jail -
Per U.S.A. Government DOA-DOJ-FBI-CIA-Etc. Everyone In U.S.A. All Person And Or America Citizens Right Now Today Is A Criminal As of Oct 2023 Need To Be In Jail Or Pay $$$ Fines Now. Per all federal and local police and all government agencies. All The America People Break The Law's Average 3 Times Everyday with A Average Fine of $512 dollars a day. it add up to $512 x 365 days in a year add up to $186,880 Dollars per year in fines per every person alive today right now.
Why Most America Want And Vote For Democratic Socialism Vs. Communism in USA -
Why Most America Want And Keep Vote For A Democratic Socialism Vs. Communism In USA Socialism and Communism both place much value on creating a more equal society and removing class privilege. The biggest difference between them is that socialism is compatible with liberty and democracy, while communism depends on an authoritarian state to create an “equal society” that denies basic liberties. Political Independents Who They Are, What They Think. ?
New World Order National Anthem The Ostrich Lyrics By Steppenwolf 1968 A.C.E. ! -
Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America and New World Order National Anthem "The Ostrich" Lyrics in 1968 A.C.E. Yes The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy.
Black Chicago Is Open City Residents Not Happy Move Stage Against Democrat Party -
We People's Republic Of America Declared Its An Sanctuary Cities You Ain't Black U Not Vote 4 Me. Congressional Black Caucus and Lori Elaine Lightfoot and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic leader "Squad," a group of color, including Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley with Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden and ex-President's Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and Others.
This Is Pure Form Of Evil Earth Congressional Black Caucus & Squad Members U.S.A. -
This Is The Pure Form Of Hate & Evil Of Earth Today And A Real True Racist Group Is The Congressional Black Caucus & Other Squad Members Hate U.S.A. Today. Planning For Sharia Law In The USA And Islamic State Rules And Laws For Everyone Who Alive Now. And To Forced Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States Per Sharia Law in the 20th Century. Paid For and Pre Planned Pro-Palestinian Protests at Harvard and 100's Other University Is To Be Paid As Planned.
Rep. Ilhan Omar This True Black National Anthem & Tens Millions Immigrants Policy -
In Congress, 50+ million people worldwide in modern slavery I am committed to doing all I can to help the over 96 million undocumented immigrations living in the United States in the last 30 years come out of the shadows and get access to rights and privileges they deserve. Just as importantly, we cannot or maybe we can continue to ignore the plight of migrants and refugees. Rep. Ilhan Omar This True Black National Anthem & Tens Millions Immigrants Sex Slave And Workers For Sell Policy.
Hey Man USA-Mexico Border Is Closed-Border Is Secure-We Our A Sanctuary Cities -
Hey Man So Let's Be Crystal Clear Right Now At A Satanic Meeting Jan. 06 2024 & Said President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. My Fellow Pedophile's Americans And Parasitic Monsters Literally and Predatory Feeding Off the 9.6 Million Children Gone Missing Each Year Around the World… Top Secret “Elite Pedophile Of The World” has reverberated throughout America.
My Woke White African American Daughter Believes She Is Caucasian Who Is Racist -
My Woke White African American Daughter Believes She Is Caucasian Who Is A Loving Racist Young Woman In Her Heart And Is Very Beautiful Person In Life Too. So Why Is Dr. Phil Not Talking About A Need To Believe All Women. In Other Words, Allow Yourself To Believe That Women Are Just As Trustworthy As Men Have Been Believed To Be For Decades.
NAACP Only White Leader Rachel Dolezal She Identify As Black Trans Woman Today -
This Highlights A Good Point White Rachel Dolezal So I Identify As Black. You can’t do a spray tan and curl your hair and think that’s all it takes to be black. Similarly, being a woman isn’t boiled down to throwing on a red lip and a pretty dress. You can play dress up all you want, but you can never truly become something you are not. Self acceptance and self love is what everyone needs.
Real Numbers 2 Million Migrant Ghost Gang In U.S.A. No Jail Time-No Migrant Crisis -
UN Agenda 21 & UN Agenda 2030 Death To America As Planned... Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... Help I've Fallen and America Can't Get Up? So Far 31 Million Migrant Let Into U.S.A. As Planned... And Now Mixed In With 2 Million+ Migrant Ghost Gang In U.S.A. No Jail Time And No Migrant Crisis At ALL ! So Investigation Of 1,000 Gangs Results In No Arrests Or Arrested And Let Go And Seizure Of More Than 6,900+ Ghost Guns So Far.
Black Keep Voting White Supremacy To Barack Obama The History Democratic Party -
So How Come Black People Still Keep Voting For White Supremacy Democratic Party is the longest-existing political party in the US, and arguably the world. But in its over 180 year existence, it's completed a remarkable ideological and geographic transformation.
How White Nazi Keep Voting Went From Lincoln To Trump History Republican Party -
So How Come White People Still Keep Voting For Nazi Republican Party. Today’s Republican Party opposes big government. It’s culturally conservative. Its demographic support is strongest among white voters, and it usually dominates elections in the South.
NY Attorney General Letitia James Speaks 100s Other Real Estate Dealings Is Fraud -
The People's Republic Of New York City Attorney General Letitia James Has A Long History Of Fighting Trump And Other Powerful Company In New York City And Now That Trump Is Going Paying Millions Dollars... So Now To Be Fair By The People's Republic Of New York City Laws 1000s Other Real Estate Company and 1000s Dealings.
Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery Live ** Very Graphic ** Think Twice Guys ? -
WoW This Looks Fun Lady's Keyhole Top Surgery For Female to Male Transgender --
New Mandate Law To Force All U.S.A. Female To Get Sex Genital Mutilation Survivors -
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a non-medical procedure that involves partial or total removal of the external female genitalia. It is most often carried out on young girls between infancy and age 15 and has no health benefits for girls and women, causing severe bleeding and problems urinating, cysts, infections as well as complications in childbirth and increased risk of newborn deaths.
Emergency Childbirth 1961 US Navy Vintage Educational Film ** GRAPHIC ** -
Maternity Care (US Navy, 1963) Vintage Educational Film ** GRAPHIC ** -
Truth Behind Meat Production Chicken Waffle Beef Burger An Eye-Opening Exploration -
Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? -
You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments -
Maxine Waters, Antifa-BLM, God Bless America's Blacks Killing Blacks Candace Owen -
Why Federal Police, State Police, Local Police Some Are Bad This Federal Propaganda -
Why Are Police In The USA So Terrified? What’s the difference between Federal Police, State Police, and Local Police? This video will answer that question for you!
We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You Let's Stop All Wars Now -
U.S.A. Drug Enforcement Administration & Department of Justice With Help From FBI & CIA & Local Police And Sheriff Dept. All Over U.S.A. Our Killing Thousands America Citizens Right Now Today.
In summary, the Democratic Party is committed to saving the nation at all costs by: Democrats Paid For Assassination Attempt Against Donald Trump Failed So Sad ? -
Democrats Party Secret Service Wait 42 Seconds Fire On President Trump's Assassin -
Documentary Of All Documentaries JFK To Sept 9/11 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick -
The documentary then moves to focus on the assassination of JFK. The web of connections between USA Mafia bosses and the CIA is examined. The highly profitable international drugs trade facilitated by the CIA is also highlighted.
81 Million Democrats Voted For Creepy Joe Biden Pedophile's Rapist-Sexual Assault -
Ashley Biden Admits Details In Her Diary Are True About Her Father "Showers With My Dad" -
Kathleen Buhle Biden Said Why Joe Biden Keep Having Sexual Relations With Family Ashley Biden Diary Said As A Child Contains a Line About ‘Showers With My Dad Joe Biden & 100's Kids And Young Women And Not Go To Jail ?
Why Did Joe Biden Take Lots Of Showers And Use Date Rape Drug With His Eleven-Year-Old Daughter From (Ashley Biden Diary) Who Said I Had To Wash And Soap Up My Dad Hard Naked Body By Hand ? Joe Biden Said Cum On Man... Its Not True... #metoo Movement Believe All Women ?
So Did Hunter Biden Really Kill Two Prostitutes ? Kathleen Buhle Biden “Drugs, Alcohol, Prostitutes, Strip Clubs, Sexual Relations” -
Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe PAID Out Over 33 Million Dollars Sexual Assault Claims -
Pedophile Joe Biden Said About His Son Hunter Biden Is A Parasitic Monsters -
All Hunter Biden Sex Crime Report On My Laptop Missing 100s Prostitutes Body's -
The Mann Act is a federal law in the United States that criminalizes the transportation of women or girls for the purpose of prostitution or any other immoral purpose. The law was passed in 1910 and is also known as the White-Slave Traffic Act. - 6,900 Hunter Photo's, Drugs, XXX, Sex Works Etc.
Israel Surprise Attack On United States Navy Ship USS Liberty 34 Dead 171 Wounded -
U.S.A.. Government Every Man, Women, & Child Is A Criminal & Need 2 Go To Jail for life.
Dept. Justice Say Donald Trump Is To Be Executed I Not Let Him Run For Office Again -
The reason for this true statement is if Trump wins in 2024 he is planning to do to the deep state. The same things that they are doing now with the Jan. 06 2021 hearing to them are all will be charged with 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason by laws of U.S.A. SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES -
"Frustrated is how I feel about the whole investigation, especially when I watch things like Stormy Daniels getting a documentary and prancing on The View," Reade said. "You know, she's a porn star and acting like she's a victim. It's disgusting.
Secret Pedophile's Watch Child Beauty Pageant Glitter Girls Age 4 Thru 8 Yrs. Old -
A child beauty pageant is a beauty contest featuring contestants starting at age 4 to under 16 years of age. Competition categories may include talent, interview, sportswear, casual wear, swimwear, western wear, theme wear, outfit of choice, decade wear, and evening wear.
The Biden, Clinton, Obama, FBI , and CIA Crime Syndicate will have no other choice than to have Trump killed before he is elected president. Otherwise once Trump does get elected he will be holding all accountable and aggressively drain the Washington swamp.
Welcome To Our Channel In 2024 What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? Yes We All The People Of The U.S.A. So If You Our Black-White-Yellow-Brown-Red-Woke-Trans-High Yellow-Etc. We At This Channel Do Not Care About Anyone Skin Color At All Now Or In The Past Time. All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
Note: We Want You And Other Peoples With A Open Mind To Think Of This Channel 869+ Video's As A Encyclopedia Set. (Not Every Word Or Topics In This Encyclopedia Set Is For Every Person To Read & Some People Will Hate And Other Will Like This Channel Topics... But Remember In The U.S.A. Its Called Freedom Of Speech For Everyone In This World Today). Also In A Dictionary Words And Meanings Change Over Time Too. Note in the original 1611 version of the King James Version of the Bible there was no “J” letter in this Bible for because it did not exist. James was spelled Iames. Jesus was spelled Iesous. One of the most asked questions of the century. How can the Messiah’s Name be Jesus if the letter “J” did not exist 500 years ago ? So if you watch or see old words in are videos... you must look up the words in very old dictionary for the words right meanings for that period of time in our history.
Note: So now the content on this channel may cover lots of controversial topics and explore differing perspectives. It is intended for informational and discussion purposes only. Views expressed by guests or in comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the channel owner. We encourage respectful dialogue and open-mindedness. However, viewers are advised to conduct their own research and exercise critical thinking when engaging with the content. This channel does not endorse or condone any form of hate speech, discrimination, or violence. Viewer discretion is advised.
Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy.
Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? We live in the world where sex is free and love costs, where losing a phone is scarier than losing morale, where it is fashionable to get drunk and using drugs, because if you don’t do that, you’re old and out, where men cheat on their wives with girls and if they don’t, it’s for fear of being caught, where girls are more afraid of being pregnant than getting AIDS, where pizza delivery is faster than an ambulance, where clothes decide a person’s value and money is more important than friends and family... This is not my world. Where has my true world gone? The New World Order Is Upon Us - Preserve Your Liberty By Being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You.
The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.
Everything you want to know what could be more terrifying than being trafficked for sex? Being murdered in a ritual sacrifice. And even worse than that would be being murdered in a ritual sacrifice so wealthy elite cabalists can harvest your adrenal glands to get the compound Adrenochrome they need to prolong their decrepit lives! It's so easy to be overwhelmed and feel beaten by the amount of negative and discouraging information being spread by the mainstream (fake stream) media. There are truly awful people in WEF and WHO, who want to reduce us to the level of serfs or chattel, but we can resist, indeed, we must resist. Be calm, be objective and be positive. Right is Might. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real True Bill of State Rights Of Government July Forth 1776 The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the federal government and guarantee certain freedoms and rights to all colour of people and for the citizens of All America.
Thanks For Calling and Remember the U.S. Government Leave No Witnesses Alive Behind Them. If You See Fraudulent or Criminal Activities by U.S. Government. Please Call Us (ASAP) So We Can Send Someone Out To Kill You! Thanks Again For Calling.
A symbolic example of this secret truth is contained within the National Bird of the United States. Many Americans and people around the world think that our National Bird of the U.S. is an eagle. They are wrong. The symbolic bird you will find on the Great Seal of the United States is actually the mythical bird known as a Phoenix. The scroll in the beak of the Phoenix is the Latin motto of 13 letters, E Pluribus Unum, meaning in English, ” Out of Many, One”. Later an olive branch and a bundle of 13 arrows (representing peace and war, respectively) were included in the claws of the phoenix. Over its head there appears 13 stars that are arranged in rows of 1-4-3-4-1, forming a six-pointed star. The Star of David and symbol of Israel.
Your Birth Certificate Equals Slavery Bondage Understanding How Admiralty Maritime Laws Work And What Is And Why Is U.S.A. Laws Are Under A Gold Fringe Flag? So have you ever walked into a court room and notice a gold fringe flag hanging in the room? Did you ever wonder why every single flag in court rooms and government buildings is a gold fringe flag? And do you remember how many times you pledged your allegiance to that flag?
“I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”
Reciting the pledge was the first things we did in school every day, from day one of first grade, to the last day of eighth grade. So, after eight years of repetition, the neuro-pathways are grooved in deep into our brains. And our loyalty so strong to the red, white and blue. Then, one day, we wake up in our adult world, and guess what? The flag now has gold fringe around it and we NEVER asked why? Why is this flag different than the one we were taught to love and be loyal to? We never questioned it. We just assumed it was the same, dear old stripes and stars, and went about out busy little lives.
So, the flag in the court room is a gold fringe flag. Who cares? That doesn’t affect me, right? You should care and yes, it does affect you. The gold fringe flag is a clear sign of a system being in place that is not the system we are taught to believe is in place. A gold fringe flag was historically used during times of war in maritime admiralty law(which we are in right now as well).
The gold fringe flag is not the same flag that is approved for our Constitutional Republic in USA code Title 4 Ch 1 & Ch 2. The fourth color (yellow) is not approved in the code. Also, you will notice the tassels hanging from the flag. These are also symbolic of admiralty law, which is the law of the sea.
So, wait a minute? Our flags that hang in our government buildings and court rooms are actually representative of war-time in the law of the sea/admiralty law?? Yes. We are in fact, functioning in maritime admiralty law, and our court system is actually upholding a corporation that goes by the name of UNITED STATES. In other words, we are not in a republic, and we are not dealing with the constitutional United States of America. Well, actually, the UNITED STATES does have a constitution but it is not the same as the original Constitution that was drafted for the republic. This is why the gold fringed flag controversy is such a big deal, because it symbolize.
So, now it is up to us to figure out how to navigate our way through the law of the sea, in order to find our remedies. The possibilities for this are endless. But it basically boils down to either mastering the current system and learning how to navigate your way through it, without incurring personal liability for anything. Or, separating yourself completely from the system, and moving yourself back to common law. In other words, you can go as far as expatriating yourself from the UNITED STATES so that you no longer belong to that corporation. Therefore, their rules would no longer apply to you. Cool, huh?
What Is Maritime (aka Admiralty) Law, and Why Is It Important ? What Is Maritime Law?
Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business and other nautical matters, such as shipping or offenses occurring on open water. International rules governing the use of the oceans and seas are known as the Law of the Sea.
The Presidential Hotline Pedophile and Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Etc. Call 1-866-4-5455-968 ( 1-866-I-Kill-You ) should be used when all your attempts to get assistance from a government department, province, municipality or state agency have failed. It is not only a complaints line. You can call to share your views or provide solutions to the challenges in your community. We also list the help line numbers of non-governmental organization's working with government. You may call at 987-654-3210 ext. new world order!
In 1984 Tried To Warn Us We The People About Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. This Information Is For Everyone To See The Real Truth Today. This Channel Is Up For 540 Day Now And Rumble Said We Have Made In Ad Money A Total Of $512 Dollars As Of July 04 2024 So Our Ave. Money Is 94 Cents A Day. Yes This Channel Is Not About Making Money At ALL. Thank You Everyone For Watching All Are Video's In 2024.
We hold that the American People Created a Constitutional Republic for the United States of America and never gave permission for a foreign controlled corporation to govern Us. As a soldier sworn to uphold the laws of the Constitution of the USA, what do you know about these newer movements such as "Sovereign Citizens", people that sign a "Declaration of Sovereign Intent" and/or belong to the "Republic for the United States of America?" Some of these people may honestly believe in what these movements stand for and they enjoy the rights that our Constitution provides, but there are a number of domestic extremists and criminal activities associated with those groups as well. This is an open-ended question so please feel free to comment.
All religion is a tool to have more control over the people's thoughts and behavior. Now religion is basically a pyramid scheme making the few at the top rich. Why does a church need a 15 million dollar compound with multiple buildings? Why does the pastor usually drive a nice new mercedes or BMW while the flock struggles and still gives the church money every week? Don't people join the church to change their life and help others the same way? It's like politicians, they should almost be volunteer jobs or just low paying. Otherwise you just keep getting people who want more money regardless of how they get it. Take from the poor and keep it doesn't sound like caring for the people. For the most part big churches were corrupted centuries ago with power hungry people. Now it's greed, a larger flock or church means they get more money every week!!
The only way to attack illegal activity is to focus on the illegal activity and its perpetrators, former President Reagan argued in a 1983 speech.
“You won’t get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There’s only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up, and if you don’t actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time,” he said.
all gun laws are unconstitutional therefore illegal and void. no government official anywhere in the united states of America has any legal lawful constitutional authority or jurisdiction to pass or enforce any form of gun laws whatsoever anywhere in the united states of America under the supremacy clause, article 4 section 2 paragraph 1, second amendment shall not be Infringed clause,9th amendment enumeration clause,10th amendment nor prohibited by it to the states clause,14th amendment section 1 no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the united states clause combined anyone passing or enforcing any form of gun laws anywhere in the united states of America are guilty of felony crimes in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. section §241 conspiracy against rights, Title 18 U.S.C. section §242,if they are working with or on behalf of any anti Gun organizations, association, movement, group they are guilty in violation of Title 5 U.S.C. section §7311 Ex. ORD. No. 10450 subsection (5), they are guilty of Perjury in violating oath of office swearing false oath, insurrection and rebellion against the constitution of the united states of America, and Treason. Yes that's what our second amendment exists for to take down terrorist tyrant traitors calling themselves government.
"You won't get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There's only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up, and if you don't actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time." - President Reagan
The natural right to keep & bear arms protects all of our other natural rights. Two of the very few reasons government exists is to protect the country and protect the natural rights of its citizens. However, the government, fed and state, have abandoned their purpose and have made themselves the enemy of America and Americans. They not only fail to protect our rights, they steal our wealth to spend Attacking our natural rights and trying to replace them with socialist welfare & subsidies like murdering babies & state-mismanaged death care.
The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting…. It is about our rights, all of our rights to be able to protect ourselves from ‘All Enemies Foreign and Domestic’. This includes protections from a possible Tyrannical Government.”
We at this channel would like to add this quote for everyone to open your own mind this year: Your body diet is not only what you eat. It is also what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, the people you hang out with and the things you subject your mind, body and soul too. Always be mindful of the things you put into your body emotionally, spiritually and physically. Thank You Everyone Who Watch Our Video's To Help Other In 2024.
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?
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