They/Them Are Coming Undone

4 months ago

Posted • November 6, 2024: We all wanted Donald Trump to win so we could look forward to a better economy, less crime, a secure border, and more, but if we're all being completely honest with each other, we were also looking forward to the meltdown. Because no one loses it when they lose quite like a leftist does. I've been specifically looking for some of the best reactions all day, and I think I've found some whoppers for you to enjoy. So sit back, grab your favorite drink, and revel in the sight of crushed enemies driven before you and the lamentations of their they/thems. The first one I saw today was going to be tough to beat. It's so over the top that I'm still not sure if what I'm looking at is a parody. The account "lexiiivlogs_" on TikTok is just not having a good day. So much so that she had to get into her car and just let it out. All of it. All at once.

They say we have a low testosterone problem in this country, and watching this, it's hard to argue. Speaking of low-T individuals… this guy is so upset he screams to the four corners of the Earth. Turn your volume down for this one. (…)

• More at: RedState - Enjoy Some of the Most Unhinged and Delicious Reactions to Trump's Victory on Social Media
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