"We Moralize & Lecture While China Builds & Feeds the Poor"

4 months ago

Video: "We Moralize & Lecture While China Builds & Feeds the Poor" VP Elect JD Vance 「在中國建設和養活窮人的同時,我們進行道德教育和說教」美國當選副總統萬斯說 by MARIO CAVOLO NOV 7 2024

This is why I am hopeful...our Vice President Elect JD Vance speaking the pure positive truth about China.

“We have built a foreign policy of hectoring, moralizing, and lecturing countries that don’t want anything to do with it. The Chinese have a foreign policy of building roads, bridges, and feeding poor people.”

We must stop treating China as the enemy. They are the world's new peaceful rising superpower. Diplomacy and respect to work together are a must.




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