Why Voting Is Dangerous | One Great Work Warriors

2 months ago

It's that time of the 4 year cycle again! As expected, it's being touted to have high stakes, and while the price of steak and all other goods/services/housing/energy seem to be even higher.. And what about the higher powers, or deep state, or shadow government- the hidden hands if you will? it's beyond trilaterals over America and other globalist groups, yet these things a never really mentioned properly in the media and especially thru the mouths of politicians.

I recently just did a livestream that also touches upon this subject from an older, yet highly relevant episode from Dissolving The Divide with Cory Endrulat.

Nemo's article: https://reportingforbeauty.substack.com/p/voting-is-evil

Video from friend and ex-law enforcer titled do not vote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGXApPyylxQ

Look up: Derrick Broze interview titled: "Don't vote? so what's your solution." for some solutions things to consider

Taplink: onegreatworkwarriors


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