THE RETURN OF VACCINE PASSPORTS - "Pandemic Preparedness Initiative" - USDA Licenses DNA Vax In Food

2 months ago

THE RETURN OF VACCINE PASSPORTS - "Pandemic Preparedness Initiative" - USDA Licenses DNA Vax In Food

Josh Sigurdson reports on the potential establishment of new "vaccine passports" as the United States, Canada and Mexico appear to be coming together over thee new "Pandemic Preparedness Initiative."
The joint initiative risks opening up Canada, Mexico and the United States even MORESO to the World Health Organization's demands as the calls for a global health ID continue to perpetuate in the face of further pandemic hoaxes including Bird Flu and Monkeypox.
As more people are falsely diagnosed with "Bird Flu," so-called "experts" are weighing in, saying that Bird Flu and the regular flu may morph together to create a super bug.
The issue with that is, the flu is largely a mythical illness as it is. More and more people are asking questions after "Covid" due to millions of people being falsely diagnosed with fraudulent PCR tests. Those that had heart attacks, cancer, pneumonia or other ailments were classified as "Covid-19."
Now, as people look closer at the regular flu which pharma has used for decades to push flu shots, it's clear at 97.5% of all cases were not the flu at all, but bodily ailments due to the terrain a person puts their body through. That's in the margin of error by the way, meaning that we can pretty much just say 100% of the cases were not the flu.
People for decades have gotten food poisoning, inflammation of organs and poisoning from vaccines and pharmaceuticals and it was passed off as "the flu." This is why so many people report only ever getting the flu after getting a flu vaccine.
They've been leading us towards a global technocracy for a century, forcing us to be enslaved or die from ailments. They use the typical fear humans face when death appears close to control the masses.
Now, the USDA is approving DNA vaccines to be put into food found at your local market.
Tens of millions or more have died from the Covid vaccines. Tens of millions will die early from mysterious illnesses, heart problems, stroke and cancer after being injected in the coming years. This all leads to the global health passports and eventually a CBDC connected to digital IDs with carbon and social credit scores determining your food rations as they poison and devastate the supply chain.
The World Economic Forum has openly said in 2022 that "Covid" was just a test for compliance to bring in 15 Minute Cities and technocratic, digital control over the masses. The Great Reset.

Are you prepared?

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