Rise N Shine - It's Marijuana Time: Grow420 Wake N Bake Show - Ep 5 November 7, 2024

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Rise N Shine - It's Marijuana Time: Grow420 Wake N Bake Show - Ep 5 November 7, 2024

Good morning everyone, it’s time to Rise & Shine - because It's Marijuana Time on the Grow420 Wake N Bake Show with Ron McNabb on NOK Network

Come join us now for an awesome Wake N Bake this morning with some great tunes, cannabis news, maybe some exercise time, and more with some great friends.

And of course, we’ll have a few tokes throughout the show, including at 7:10am for the Easties and at 7:20am (4:20am) for our West Coast friends.

So how about it everyone? What do you say? I say, let's all Rise N Shine, because It's Marijuana Time!!

Watch right now on NOK Network streaming sites including Facebook, Rumble, LinkedIn, YouTube, X or on our webpage


#wakeandbakeshow #NOKnetwork

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