EMP Effects on Cars & Trucks: What Would Really Happen?

3 months ago

Most of what you’ve heard about an EMP being able to destroy all cars and electronics is wrong. A well-planned electromagnetic pulse attack would almost surely still lead to societal collapse, but how that unfolds would be very different than what most expect. Plainly put, if anyone tells you all electronics and vehicles will be destroyed, they are wrong. If they tell you 95% percent of vehicles will be just fine, they are wrong. This video will explain why, and point you to sources that help verify this claim.

Car and Truck Testing
Looking at the 2008 EMP Commission full report (starting on PDF page 131, report page 115), you’ll see what they tested. (http://www.empcommission.org/docs/A2473-EMP_Commission-7MB.pdf)

RF & EMI Shielding
Y. Ramadass, A. Tripathi, and P. Curtis; Time-Saving and Cost-Effective Innovations for EMI Reduction in Power Supplies; December 2023; (https://www.ti.com/lit/wp/slyy200/slyy200.pdf?ts=1702198440553)

R. Rabbani; EMI Testing in the Semiconductor Industry: Assessing Electromagnetic Interference in Chip Design; 01 December 2023; (https://www.lisungroup.com/news/technology-news/emi-testing-in-the-semiconductor-industry-assessing-electromagnetic-interference-in-chip-design.html)

E1 HOB, Strength, and Footprint
Looking at Figure 2-6 of the DOE funded report (search on “Meta-R-320”) from 2010 (PDF page 23, report page 2-13), if the detonation is at the optimum altitude of 75 km for the E1 pulse, the maximum E field is 50 kV/m. Which is what they tested trucks up to with little damage.

In the same report, see Figure 2-3 (PDF page 14, report page 2-4) to see what the footprint of an EMP looks like when at the optimum height for maximum E1 strength. The “100” red area = 50 kV/m.

Also see;

P. Pry; Attacking The U.S. Electric Power Grid A Revolution In Military Affairs; 2021; (https://contractwithamerica2.com/FannyDeregulation/Blackout_Warfare_interior10thfinal.pdf) (based on page 135)

DOE; Physical Characteristics of EMP Waveform Benchmarks for Use in Assessing Susceptibilities of the Power Grid, Electrical Infrastructures, and Other Critical Infrastructure to EMP Insults; 11 January 2021; (https://www.energy.gov/ceser/articles/emp-memo) (page 2)

E1 EMP Saturation at 50 kV/m
Meta-R-320 (PDF page 67, report page 4-6), (http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2019/ph241/rogers1/docs/meta-r-320.pdf)

J. Morrow-Jones; Nominal High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Waveforms; Prepared for DTRA; January 2019; (https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1067769.pdf) (PDF page 14, report page 8-10)

J. Emanuelson; Super-EMP Weapons; Undated; (https://www.futurescience.com/emp/super-EMP.html)

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