Cope And Seethe Round 1 - Cenk Goes Nuts, Trump Wins

4 months ago

I talk a little about the election, on the day after the vote. I want to let all the tears marinate and swell up like a big wave, that I will ride down on my MAGA surfboard and deliver directly to your mouth and brains.

Cenk goes absolute ape shi in this video, Biden delivers remarks on the election (Parody), we take a sneak peek at some level 1 cope and seethe libs having a bit of a moment. We check out a couple from X, and finish with some thoughts on what is next and a nice 2 minute video without sound to Congratulate The Commander-In-Chief, Donald J. Trump with one of my favorite pictures of him.

I will continue to collect the tears of liberals and edit them together in some kind of montage of madness....there may need to be more than a few videos, maybe a 3 to 6 round bout with the TEARS OF LIBS.

When we finish enjoying this victory. We will begin to tell the Democrats what they can do to be normal and stop being dog shi at life. They wont listen. But all we can do is try.


I don't normally make full meme style video montages and that's not what this started as one thing and just happened to go towards dunking with memes. Do you like these kinds of videos? I will get much better, I am still learning. And always try my best to give credit to anyone I use, even when I heavily modify it to be personalized and different.


TYT Video of Cenk Losing His Mind -

Live Beyond Your Memes On X -

Stylo On X -

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