Why I Voted For Trump - Former Gen Z Progressive Liberal & Democrat | My Message To America

4 months ago

This is my short, but brief explanation, as to why I voted for Trump in this November 2024's election, as a Gen Z who identified as a Progressive Liberal & Democrat almost all my entire life. I began analyzing politics from a much more logical, strategic, pragmatic & long-term oriented perspective more and more around mid 2022.

And even prior to mid 2022, I've listened to thousands of hours of videos & podcasts, if not tens of thousands, and conducted endless thorough research the last several years starting in the mid 2010s when I was only around 15-16 years old and Trump initially entered politics-- it started back then from the progressive democrat, anti-Trump, establishment politics perspective, and it gradually shifted drastically the other way around in 2022 all the way till now, and I still continue doing an abundance of research.

And from all the information I've gathered & analyzed, I can confidently say that Donald Trump is the most logical candidate to vote for in November 2024.

I ask all those who view this, and resonate with my message, to please like this post to help boost it in the algorithm & share it, to help spread the message to other Americans & enlighten more people. I want all the progressive liberals out there who are voting for Kamala, particularly on the younger side, to realize they too, will come to the same point of regret & shock later on. My fear however, is that it'll already be too late by then. And the damage will already be done.

They may not realize it immediately, perhaps not even in the short-term. But come years, or maybe even a decade plus, they will realize how misguided their views were. All of the information they based their vote off of, was all lies, misrepresentations, and blatant propaganda.

Unfortunately, those who are still stuck in the same shoes that I once was, will cringe at this. None of it will make sense. It's akin to trying to convince a young child, that they'll someday become attracted to boys/girls when they grow up - and to them, they think it's an insane proposition... their reaction is "Ewwww! Noooo! I would never! I don't wanna get cooties! Gross!" but then as several years go by, and they develop more, they eventually come to realize that they were wrong all along and just couldn't see it. And they end up in total disbelief and shock.

Please like & share to help enlighten more Americans.

Hopefully however, this may perhaps be able to enlighten those who aren't as strongly influenced in a heavy partisan direction.

#vote #election #trump #2024

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