MUST WATCH: PHONE CALL Reveals Washington Post Reporter Attempting to Flip the Narrative on O’Keefe

4 months ago

“I’m just trying to understand what you’re alleging here. Are you saying this organization is trying to influence voters directly?” questioned Washington Post reporter Amy Gardner, implying a potential concern about O’Keefe Media Group’s editing regarding the coverage of activities outside of the Philadelphia City Commissioners Office.

In a recent investigation, OMG released footage of Milton Jamerson, Election And Voter Registration Clerk, stating that non-citizens can vote in local elections as long as they are residents of Philadelphia. The claim was reiterated by the nongovernmental organization (NGO) “Ceiba,” located across the street, which asserts that individuals with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) are eligible to vote.

O'Keefe countered Gardener by insisting the accuracy of the footage, emphasizing that the NGO in question was “actively handing out voting materials” across the street from a city satellite office where voters drop off ballots. Gardner continued to probe the issue of bias, asking, “But don’t you think it’s fair for readers to see everything that happened—not just the clips you’ve decided to show?”

O'Keefe challenged Gardner on her position, accusing the mainstream press of often selectively quoting or omitting facts in their own work. "I could ask the same of you, Amy," he said. "When will the Post show its own raw transcripts and footage to readers?"

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