6.11.2024 Out of Control Kuranda (1)

3 months ago

9:38am *Language Warning #justanotherdayinkuranda
I know there are people in this group (Kuranda Ratepayers & Residents Working Group) and watching from outside of this group that know who these people are. They know their names, they know where they live, they know their mothers and fathers, they know their grandparents and yet they choose, for whatever reason, to remain silent.
What are you waiting for? If you're waiting for this small minority of our indigenous community, if they are even from Kuranda, to turn our village and environment into a rubbish tip and to destroy what's left of our reputation and public infrastructure here in Kuranda you won't have much longer to wait and it won't be long before the Council starts spending all that money on repairing the damage that's been done already so they can f*** it up again.
Is that what you want?
For the rest of you it's time to stop sitting on the fence. It's time to start shaming these individuals - see something, say something for Kuranda's sake.
If you're not part of the solution you are part of the problem and complicit - which is it?
The 'Party in the Parks' have been going nearly 24hours straight now...albeit apart from a couple of short breaks.

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