TheDimNews LIVE: Trump Elected 47th President | Peanut the Squirrel | RIP, Torchic the Chicken

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk. NOTE: We're moving up a half hour because of the time change!

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Guys, Jeb still has a path forward. You need to be Jeb!-maxxing, keeping up the Jeb! energy. Don't let them steal it this time, you gotta turn the Fraudstika into the Jebstika. In this essay I will-

Qriist Supporter+ Trump Groved them by the Cleveland.

JQuickDraw Supporter Considering the new era in which we live, I hope you two got the approval of a man to do this stream tonight.

Guyinroom83 wow before 930

Guyinroom83 papa trump FTW

Guyinroom83 yes let's GO JEB. #jebwave

Guyinroom83 people i know have seen gay people post to 'get their wills in order' bc trump won

TunedToKey Supporter Hello

JQuickDraw Supporter Counting little slips of paper is tiring. Why do you hate those selfless ballot workers?

Guyinroom83 we didnt have covid this time

Guyinroom83 they paid people to go to rallies

JQuickDraw Supporter You know why the left really lost? They don't have a porpaganda machine helping them.

Guyinroom83 100% they really need to get some media on their side for once. @JQuickDraw

JQuickDraw Supporter They associate "Christian" with "white" and "colonizer" so they can't accept them.

Guyinroom83 we need 9 month abortions

Guyinroom83 im predicting the left will start posting stuff like "if anyone needs an abortion, i have at home kits, i will ship them to you"

JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah, they can find other women to be with. Or, I think there's this thing called masturbation that men could do too.

Guyinroom83 despite it not being banned anyway
I maintain that the 14th Amendment already plainly forbids abortion. It infuriates me that THAT is the Amendment they chose to bastardize in service of propping up Roe v. Wade.

Guyinroom83 exactly

wesley1924 Supporter+ hello

JQuickDraw Supporter You can use that same argument for the fascist dictator and transfer of power fears too. He was already president and then he wasn't, no dictatoring whatsoever lol.

JQuickDraw Supporter That was the point of the founders setting up the nation as a loose grouping of discrete nation states. It created a market where the best and freest states would attract more people.

Guyinroom83 i hope you ladies enjoy being able to drive right now bc those rights are going bye bye

Qriist Supporter+ "Abstinance is the only way to not get pregnant" ... Virgin Mary: am I fucking joke to you? :D

JQuickDraw Supporter If you can't afford to travel to another state, maybe you shouldn't be risking getting pregnant.

Guyinroom83 my #1 issue is consequences for random casual sex.

Guyinroom83 i dont want those.

Guyinroom83 if the country has to fail. so be it

JQuickDraw Supporter You're worried about THE MEN??? Alex, you are a traitor to your bonus hole kin.

Qriist Supporter+ The media condemned him when he refused to get us INTO wars.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Yeah, that seems like the real and only reason the deep state was so opposed to him. The war machine generate billions on the regular, and he was actually being circumspect in dealing with it.

Guyinroom83 i just wanna let guys cum in meeeee

Qriist Supporter+ GuyinGuyinroom83

Guyinroom83 bonus hole lol

Guyinroom83 ha @Qriist

Qriist Supporter+ CNN: Trump official became president when he bombed brown people. 😍

Guyinroom83 new title for show: The Bonus Holes

Qriist Supporter+ fixed link:

Qriist Supporter+ We've discussed this before, Plan B intercepts contraception so it's perfectly acceptable.

Qriist Supporter+ "I never gave up hope." -Beverly, presumably talking about Jeb's miraculous path to presidency


thrasybulus @Qriist Milk is clearly a symbol of white supremacy.

Qriist Supporter+ The left complained that Trump was doing rallies in airports and cornfields, omitting the fact that he sometimes did 4x 2 hour rallies per day

Qriist Supporter+ I'll find the vid for ya

Qriist Supporter+ it's not about being a citizen

Qriist Supporter+ "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Qriist Supporter+ PERSON

Qriist Supporter+ They defined "citizen", used it, then chose a different word that the next clauses applied to,

thrasybulus Thought: Anybody else noticed that the women who care most about abortion are too old to get pregnant?

thrasybulus @AlexNeedsAnUpdate Men will no longer have to register for the draft. They will be automatically registered.

Qriist Supporter+ killing a freshly pregant woman gets you a double homicide in many states.

Qriist Supporter+ pregnant*

Qriist Supporter+ found the voter video

thrasybulus Democrats: X, Y, and Z groups are the cause of our problems. Why are X, Y, and Z not voting for us?

Qriist Supporter+ good news, they made the draft gender inclusive

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Oh cool, now we can double time the destruction of our nation.

thrasybulus @Qriist Senate voted in favor, but not the House. Don't know what happened in reconciliation.

Qriist Supporter+ @thrasybulus ah thank you, I guess I just remembered the original outcry

thrasybulus @Qriist Not including women in the draft or barring them from combat roles makes it open to court challenge.

Qriist Supporter+ they just assumed you were an illegal

Qriist Supporter+ @thrasybulus women have already been able to be in combat roles

Qriist Supporter+ iirc

Qriist Supporter+ I'm pretty sure we were getting our first lady 13Ps when I was leaving a decade ago

thrasybulus @Qriist They are. Obama opened up all roles to women. An early 1970s Supreme Court case allowed the sex discrimination because the draft was about rapid replenishment of combat forces.

Qriist Supporter+ The evidence is strong since its claimed she completely scrubbed her socials, but I haven't seen people linking the deleted account.

thrasybulus There was a court case around 5 or so years ago that said, selective service is up for renewal, Congress must reconcile the combat forces/gender draft issue. There was a commission.

thrasybulus @AlexInAZ Any chance we will have AZ's results before next Feb?

Qriist Supporter+ SPEAKING OF THE DRAFT: Federal agency responsible for the draft reposts vulgar tweet suggesting the US is becoming Nazi Germany

Qriist Supporter+

purpletiger69 Peanut's owner said he got raided because of Peanut's owner's only fans page according to TMZ.

thrasybulus Govt would not destroy rare plant. Environmentalists would shit a brick.

Qriist Supporter+ The government will get a report of animal exploitation with dozens of hours of publicly available evidence, find nothing,

Qriist Supporter+ then choose to raid your house and kill your pets to save them from being exploited.

Qriist Supporter+ Apparently the guy was also denied his lawyer during his arrest.

thrasybulus Florida does have issues with invasive snakes. It's a problem with the ecosystem.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Regardless, they shouldn't kill animals that were previously legally owned.

thrasybulus Domesticating animals native to your area is different than animals from outside that are deleterious to the native ecosystem.

Qriist Supporter+ "Do I have rabies?" -Beverly, 2024

JQuickDraw Supporter Humans can get rabies. So...sorry no people in your home.

Qriist Supporter+ shouldn't have kids because they can get rabies

thrasybulus The term "Mad dog" exists because of dogs with rabies.

Qriist Supporter+ @JQuickDraw ya ninja'd me lol

JQuickDraw Supporter r+rickroll

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Most of the animals we have domesticated are not native to where we live now.

Qriist Supporter+ r+kamaladance r+kamaladance r+kamaladance

thrasybulus @AlexofAllTrades They were native to where they were first domesticated.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Cats are horrible for most environments. Pound for pound the most damaging to the local ecology.

Qriist Supporter+ @AlexofAllTrades it's thought that cats were the primary reason the dodos went extinct.

thrasybulus @AlexofAllTrades Cats can be incredibly invasive. Burmese pythons are a big issue in Florida. Australia has a bunch of animal issues. Pigs are a big problem where loose in the Americas.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Again, kill the wild invasive species, not the captive ones. Captive animals are not "invasive". They're the responsibility of their human owners.

Qriist Supporter+ wasn't weighing in on the rights part, just bolstering your point

thrasybulus Pigs were initially introduced to the Americas by sailors leaving them behind often as future food. Wild pigs are highly invasive and dangerous.

thrasybulus Pitbull bans should just be to prevent people from playing Pitbull's music in public.

thrasybulus In 2012 Miami Marlins pitcher Mark Buehrle (pronounced Burly) was traded to Toronto midseason. He couldn't take his pitbull with him because the province of Ontario banned them. Plus the tax increase.

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin r+kamaladance

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin r+rickroll

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin r+trumpvibe

Qriist Supporter+ don't worry, if you're sad about moving to Canada the government will shoot you for you

Qriist Supporter+ Saving money isn't the issue for people who love their pets. I rescued stray cats (AKA, got for free) and still spent thousands on surgery when they needed it.

thrasybulus My mistake, he was traded after the 2012 season. He was stuck playing in Toronto throught the end of the 2015 season. Over those 3 years he earned $39,000,000.

thrasybulus Not to mention most MLB salaries have a provision to compensate for tax increases with trades.

Qriist Supporter+ I put up with a ton of ridicule in the military for taking care of my pets to the degree I did. Would do it again= they are part of the family.

Qriist Supporter+ some additional twats

Qriist Supporter+

Qriist Supporter+

Qriist Supporter+

Qriist Supporter+

thrasybulus Think we can get Roberts to step down while we're at it?

Qriist Supporter+ I am also not a fan of the current world odor.

Qriist Supporter+

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh wow, Alex just gave me a great idea for a fragrance company - NWO (New World Odor). The ads would depict people dressed like men in black. Tagline: "Do you know what smells good? Being in control."

thrasybulus Lysistrata is not good for female employment. Won't someone please think of the selling of sex?

JQuickDraw Supporter Is she in the army?

thrasybulus Lysistrata is a play. By Euripides I think. Women try to end the war by withholding sex.


Guyinroom83 these people literally are living in a delusion

Guyinroom83 wow! #brave

JQuickDraw Supporter I love the way the entire media apparatus and its sycophants talk about Trump being Hitler and they will be the better ones by doing the right thing and handing off power peacefully . . . to Hitler???

Guyinroom83 #courage

Guyinroom83 LMAO

Guyinroom83 our TWO TRANS CHILDREN

thrasybulus Kamala's rallies? Clearly he didn't watch them.

JQuickDraw Supporter I joked in the Dimcord about telling these people to shut the fuck up. But really, seeing all these twats now, it's clear that they are straight up cultists. They need to be forcefully deprogrammed.

thrasybulus Is he renouncing his citizenship? Can we hurry up the process and make sure he never votes in another US election?

Qriist Supporter+ alllll the numbers got revised downward under Biden lol

JQuickDraw Supporter She's crying like she's suffering though the worst imaginable life, while sitting in a nice house filming a video for her tiktok channel.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist They will eventually just stop talking about the covid years altogether. The data is out there that incriminates them for all the excess deaths, so the less its mentioned the better.

thrasybulus Does she not know that G.O. bags stand for Global Operations bags?

Guyinroom83 you would assume she's losing her house, someone died, etc

Guyinroom83 yeah, its really hard to tell, but i think a lot of them are actually upset, but the filming of it is encouraged by the left, they encourage hystrionic shit

Guyinroom83 i do think musk helped trump a lot this time

Qriist Supporter+ there was some freakout videos in 2020, but not nearly to the same volume

thrasybulus "I don't want you to see me crying" says the crying person in the video they upload to the internet.

Guyinroom83 i heard the view said 'uneducated white women' caused this

Guyinroom83 yeah this is fake i think

Qriist Supporter+ thanks boogie

Qriist Supporter+ he's a genuine piece of shit

Qriist Supporter+ thanks=that's*

Guyinroom83 you just need to substitute uneducated with non indoctrinated

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Ah, yeah, boogie is dumb.

thrasybulus With tits that big, are we sure that's a man?

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator True, Guy.

Guyinroom83 yeah she did nothing to appeal to them, exactly like Hilary. her campaign ended just like hillarys

Guyinroom83 even down to her also not coming out to concede till the next day

Qriist Supporter+ "Your point is bad and you should feel bad." -Beverly, basically

Guyinroom83 yes us trump voters are so brainwashed by mainstream propaganda

thrasybulus Dem: Where did all these dumb, uneducated, racist, sexist Trump voters come from? Me: Public schools.


JQuickDraw Supporter Does this woman train animals at the zoo?

thrasybulus The examples of Harris voters are the biiggest endorsement of Trump.

Guyinroom83 not sure but i know its years old

Guyinroom83 and i just saw iit labeled as 'gf screams at boyfriend' i think

Guyinroom83 i dont think its trump related

Guyinroom83 -

Qriist Supporter+ boogie has lied about being scammed in crypto, about having cancer, and about being molested by his parents. He's a full on lolcow.

Guyinroom83 'she tweaked my nipples"!!! @Qriist

thrasybulus Welcome to Target.

Guyinroom83 Looks orange to me lady... Which is worse bc orange man

Guyinroom83 I need to hear what celebs think about the results.

Guyinroom83 I NEED celeb opinions.

Qriist Supporter+ this Hannah Jones / Ida Bae Wells bitch is the 1619 author

Qriist Supporter+ stupid fanfic pusher

Guyinroom83 Oh the clown hair bitch

Qriist Supporter+ yup

Qriist Supporter+ "defections"

Guyinroom83 I saw ann Coulter mention how this lady predicted Kamala ha

Guyinroom83 No you guys are moving on too fast

thrasybulus The German, English, Welsh, Scottish, and other races have contributed to this Republic since at least 1787.

Guyinroom83 Oh right Streisand posted the drano pic

thrasybulus Don't ask Bette Midler for her opinion on twitter.

Guyinroom83 How did trump take their rights away?

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 With his big orange penis.

thrasybulus Hairless Sissy is such a liar.

Qriist Supporter+ sure wish this concubine would shut up

Guyinroom83 Wow!

Guyinroom83 I was shocked enough by pa

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator A surge of rural voting in Arizona.

Guyinroom83 I even heard a local NYC station say polls had record turnout with whole families voting

Guyinroom83 And they asked people on the street their take, most said they weren't bothered or surprised trump won and some were for it

thrasybulus Did Harris get any of the seven "swing states"? Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina.

Guyinroom83 I heard she didn't

Guyinroom83 And that she did win a single us county more than biden

Guyinroom83 Didnt

Qriist Supporter+ how they talk about women is, in my opnion, completely demeaning

Guyinroom83 Did you say train tracks?

Guyinroom83 Trump got NC

thrasybulus That one pollsters Iowa poll looks really bad in hindsight.

Qriist Supporter+ here's the link

Qriist Supporter+ jake tapper ^

thrasybulus If Trump got AZ than Harris lost all seven.

Guyinroom83 God: take that freaks

Guyinroom83 Did you find him at train tracks

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator That's why he's named that.

Guyinroom83 "this is my cat, hole in the ground"

thrasybulus This is my pussy, Your Momma's House.

Guyinroom83 Leftists 'getting to work" is why he won AGAIN lady

Qriist Supporter+ This is the knife in my left hand, Stabbing Westward

thrasybulus @Qriist Don't turn around.

Guyinroom83 Leftists are losing their only techique, which is, say a ton of insane smears and claims about someone to scare people. People are not buying that anymore

Qriist Supporter+ Speaking of Homelander, Reddit is caterwauling about having elected Homelander yesterday. lol.

thrasybulus Wonder how Biden felt about having to congradulate reincarnated Hitler.

Guyinroom83 Top 10% poster... Ew

Guyinroom83 (except for getting cash at work) that means stripper

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator That's what I thought too.

Guyinroom83 Except for getting cash at work or when I fuck guys, men are DONE.

Guyinroom83 I wonder why the left lost? Maybe bc everyone of them talk like psychopaths now

Guyinroom83 Ok this is a horror movie

Guyinroom83 Smile 3

Qriist Supporter+ lmfao

Guyinroom83 Not to be too mean but they're all weird looking too

Guyinroom83 L

Guyinroom83 Hahahahaha

Guyinroom83 Wow the glasses one is scary

Qriist Supporter+ nuking lasagna

Guyinroom83 What is 4B

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator South Korean feminist movement: no sex with men, no birth, no dating men, no marriage with men.

Guyinroom83 Yeah that's already happening

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Exactly.

Qriist Supporter+ he didn't just bite a single baby, he bit 2 and sucked on the foot of a third.

Guyinroom83 Yikes.. sucked on a foot?

Guyinroom83 I hope that's AI.. please God @Qriist

Qriist Supporter+ not as far as I know

Guyinroom83 Lol

Qriist Supporter+ Reminder: bacon is gross.

Guyinroom83 Some indicator would show

Guyinroom83 She's so dumb that it's plausible, even if not true
"Qriist hates bacon." I endorse this statement.

Guyinroom83 I think she was implying that she'll run again

Guyinroom83 For some reason I assumed she wouldn't

Guyinroom83 (bc she lost insanely)

Qriist Supporter+ I don't have sex with psychotic blue haired hippos, but I may consider clipping a leash onto their bull rings to take them for a walk.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator r+trumpvibe

Qriist Supporter+ sentencing

Qriist Supporter+ the man in the high fishing boat

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy Handmaid

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Merry Atwood Day!

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