Israel Officially Declares PARTITION In Northern Gaza!

4 months ago

Right, so whilst Western eyes have been fixated upon the US elections, most notably Western media, now failing the people of Gaza in their lack of coverage of this breaking story almost as much as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have done by thinking they can ditch the US Muslim vote in favour of picking up the moderate Republican’s backing, only to discover there really is no such thing, the IDF have now officially partitioned northern Gaza from the rest of the Gaza Strip.
The land grab is now underway, the 400,000 people remaining in the partitioned half of northern Gaza have all now officially been designated as combatants, so be they Hamas, or a doctor or a baby in an incubator, all are now combatants in the eyes of the Israeli state.
That of course just legitimises in their own eyes their own actions for the past more than a year in Gaza now though, 43,000 lives taken by the official figures, but the real death toll could be north of 200,000 now and most of them as we know consist mostly of innocent women and children. It’s all part of the General’s Plan though, divide and conquer the Gaza Strip, split people up, control where they can live and take over other areas for later Israeli settlement. It’s no longer a crazed Israeli fantasy, it’s literally now happening.
Right, so western ignorance is bliss as the King of the Ignorant’s Donald Trump is to return to the White House, whilst the Democrats will look at each other, scratch their heads, huff a bit and decide they clearly weren’t pro Israel enough to win, but whilst much of the media is fixated upon the election of a man who won’t fix the Middle East crisis either, but will likely make it even worse, over in the Middle East.
But during all of that distraction, Israeli state media channel KAN, Israel’s answer to the BBC, dropped news that the IDF have now formally partitioned the northern quarter of northern Gaza, in an accelerated version of the so-called General’s Plan, the plan of action drawn up by former IDF General Giorda Eiland, to split Gaza up, split the people up into three broad sections none of which may mix and secure land not only for IDF military presences to remain permanently, but also to take over parts and settle them, the far north of Gaza very much earmarked for that as this illustration here, which I’ve used before shows. Well now look at these images here and you can see the north of Gaza as planned for Israeli habitation above the blue line, a new corridor intended to be built, the Green line being the already established Netzarim Corridor, which has for some time now separated the north of Gaza from the rest of the Strip. Not only can you see where this planned division is marked on a map of northern Gaza though, but you can see it in reality too as the satellite image there clearly shows. The dividing line for that new corridor is already there and now, formally, the IDF have partitioned it.
The announcement from KAN Diplomatic Correspondent Amichai Stein dropped on Twitter UK time just as people were heading out to Bonfire night displays, and at US time when people were still very much heading to the polls, so as always when something nefarious is being published, it happens when all eyes are facing the other direction. Stein wrote:
‘The IDF announces: The division of the northern Gaza Strip into two parts has been completed, and we getting closer to the complete evacuation of the northern part from civilians and terrorists: "This time there is no intention to allow the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to return to their homes and that humanitarian aid will regularly enter the southern Gaza Strip - since there are no more civilians left north of Gaza City".’
This time there is no intention to allow the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to return to their homes… there are no more civilians left north of Gaza City. Stein’s words. Anyone left to the north of that blue line therefore is not a civilian and they will never be allowed to return to their homes if they lie above that line. Partition. Land theft. Land seizure, whatever you want to call it.
For reference, north of that blue line lies the entire Jabalia refugee camp, the Indonesian Hospital, Beit Hanoun Hospital, Kamal Adwan Hospital, it essentially cuts the northernmost third of what is left of Gaza City itself away from the rest of it.
As you can imagine, an awful lot of the people left in the north will be at the hospitals, or the refugee camp and if they are still there for whatever reason, they’re now seen as combatants. So many hospital staff have refused to abandon their posts, abandon their patients and now whatever they may have been before, to the IDF, they are now literally all Hamas it seems. Here’s an excerpt from Israeli news outlet Haaretz, detailing exactly what is going on on the ground in Northern Gaza right now leading up as such actions were inevitably going to, to where we are now, this incidentally was published in the wee small hours of this morning:
‘In Al-Attara and Beit Lahia there isn't a single house that people could return to and live in. The area looks like it was hit by a natural disaster. There are no civilians to be seen among the ruins. As part of the attempt to remove them, the army fires artillery into the area at night. Those who want to return can't do so, because the army prevents it. The bottom line is that it makes no difference what the IDF calls its actions. The army has begun the stage of cleansing the northern Strip while it prepares to hold onto the area for a long time to come.
All along the way, trucks and engineering equipment work to destroy the buildings near the roads. In their place, they're paving broad arteries designed to enable safer and easier movement for the forces in the area. Col. Yaniv Barot is the commander of the Kfir Brigade, which has received responsibility for the Al-Attara and Beit Lahia area.
Barot says his mission is to continue to locate and eliminate terror infrastructure and Hamas activists. But he says that in the course of the most recent operation, no underground infrastructure, heavy war materiel or weapons production sites were found. The forces are now searching homes in an attempt to find armed men and war materiel.’
Wanton destruction of all civilian infrastructure, new construction being laid down ostensibly to enable military movements now, but what of later? And most notably, Haaretz report that for all the claims that this has been done to rout Hamas and destroy weapons caches and every other excuse Israel has come out with, they’ve actually found absolutely nothing of the sort, because it is just a cover story to excuse Israel’s razing to the ground of everything they don’t want in the way, working as hard as possible to make the area utterly unliveable and in that they’ve succeeded, but don’t pretend for one moment it has been based on any evidence at all.
Where the IDF now claim there are no civilians left at all north of Gaza City itself, presumably because they’ve completed the ethnic cleansing of that area, now there are just the areas of Gaza City left to clear, some 400,000 people estimated to still be there, some quarter of the population of the Gaza Strip near as damn it, all of which have now been called combatants. You have to wonder in which case, given that is 10 times the current death toll of Gaza roughly speaking, if the worst of Israel’s genocidal tendencies are still to come in which case. Having labelled all of these people as combatants, is that going to come with a death sentence or with surrender and even if they do allow people to leave alive, what we’re witnessing now in the north, so much worse than what has come to pass already, so difficult to comprehend as we have become so numbed with this going on for a whole year now in front of many of our eyes, despite obviously going on much longer as we’re also now aware of, we’re looking at what I would argue is a war crime on a scale we’ve not witnessed since WWII.
Aid will now only go to southern Gaza, what aid Israel even lets in as it stands, because according to them, there are no more civilians in northern Gaza. 400,000 of them is the reality. That is the UN’s estimate. The IDF’s estimate? There are just a few thousand and again it is KAN reporting on that. They are claiming that some 55,000 people have fled Jabalia but where to? Where are the images of so many people on the move then? You’d figure that’d be huge news, so many people evacuating, but there are none, there is none, because it’s a complete falsehood. The IDF are claiming there are only a few hundred left in Jabalia, therefore when they inevitably do clear that camp as surely they are going to now that it has been partitioned off, the numbers of casualties will get played down and global establishment media will no doubt collude in that. Whatever happens next, we have to keep that number in mind right now, 400,000 people. Whatever Israel do next, that is how many lives are on the line. Israel’s +972 Magazine calls it out:
‘What the army has been implementing in northern Gaza since early October is not quite the “Generals’ Plan,” but an even more sinister and brutal version of it within a more concentrated area. One could even say that the plan itself and the intense international media and diplomatic storm it has created has helped keep everyone in the dark as to what is actually going on, and obscure the two ways in which the plan has already been redefined.
The first, most immediate distinction is the abandoning of provisions for reducing harm to civilians, i.e. giving residents of northern Gaza a week to evacuate southward. The second departure concerns the real purpose of emptying the area: while portraying the military operation as a security necessity, it was, in fact, an embodiment of the spirit of ethnic cleansing and resettlement from day one. ‘
Israel is seeking to colonise Gaza. By Partitioning the northernmost part of northern Gaza as it has done, this has already begun. Where is the international outcry? Still with its attention diverted to Donald flaming Trump.
It looks like we needn’t hope that the West sees the light anytime soon, the best hope to hold Israel to account is coming from the East, as Malaysia is now readying a resolution they think will succeed in getting Israel booted out of the UN, which would cause Western UN member states quite the headache given their apparently flexible loyalties as far as UN membership goes, but is it really possible or even likely to succeed? I’m not ruling it out entirely. Check out that story in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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