ISRAEL LOBBY Caught Directing Met Police Protest Arrests?

3 months ago

Right, so as America now reels from the prospect of having all but certainly re-elected the big orange man-baby to the White House, punishing Kamala Harris’ refusal to take Israel to task as Joe Biden should have done before him, it’s a consequence that Keir Starmer’s Labour really ought to be taking note of, because Gaza decided who won the Presidency over there and Gaza is equally as big of an issue here as well.
You only had to look at last Friday’s protest outside the residence of the Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely, who, if there was any justice in the world should have been put on a plane back to Tel Aviv months ago, yet instead remains here and remains a firm photographic mainstay amongst Starmer’s politicians. We’ve seen numerous examples now of people being arrested for holding pro Palestine and anti Israel views, we’ve seen journalists targeted in particular, but on the occasion of this protest, we saw the arrest of a Jewish academic, Haim Bresheeth who actually grew up in Israel, was the son of Holocaust survivors arrested.
But more sinister than even that story is in and of itself, is that video footage has now come out which appears to show the police being directed by a marshal of a pro Israel counter demonstration to the National march for Palestine from back in September, pointing out people he wanted arrested, so are the Met taking direction from pro Israel figures now and was a Jewish academic amongst those pointed out?
Right, so the story of what is happening during pro Palestine anti Israel demonstrations is getting frankly scarier and scarier. That piece of footage you’ve just seen was of the arrest of Professor Haim Bresheeth, an Israeli Jew, a retired academic in his seventies who, following a speech where he called out the genocide outside the residence of the Israeli ambassador, the truly awful Tzipi Hotovely, being committed against the people of Gaza by Israel, the nation he himself grew up in, ended up getting arrested then following alleged charges of having committed a crime under the Terrorism Act of 2000, it later emerging that he had been arrested – the only person arrested notably and it is notable because he’s globally renowned for his work as a historian, author and film maker– for allegedly supporting a proscribed group. Well colour me surprised if he wasn’t released the next day without charge.
So why did the Met Police arrest him? What prompted it? Clearly he said nothing of the sort, the grounds he was arrested upon, the Met evidently operating on a arrest first, ask questions later prerogative, taking the word of someone, possibly somebody within the ambassadors residence, possibly from a counter demonstration, there may have been one, I appreciate they are barely noticeable, but most people seem to appreciate that Israel is a genocidal out of control rogue state now, up on charges of a plausible case of genocide as it is at the World Court, still carrying out daily atrocities across the Middle East, from Gaza to the West Bank, to Lebanon to Syria, as those US arms deals keep on rolling in, unlikely to stop now that Trump appears to be entering the White House once more, he was Netanyahu’s preferred pick, this isn’t the guy to fix the situation, far more likely he’ll make matter worse, but at least the pretence that the US administration is sane and civilised will be binned off and they’ll far more readily be seen as the global pariahs in this story that they are. Trump did nothing to deal with Israel when he was previously in office, he won’t now either, the changing of the Presidency changes nothing for the Middle East.
Bresheeth is just the latest victim of the abuse of the appalling badly worded and unfit for purpose Terrorism Act 2000, because it is subject to abuse and boy are we seeing it being abused now that Keir Starmer, that Zionist without qualification as he is, is running the country.
We’ve seen the arrest of Richard Medhurst, fresh off a plane from the Middle East, his bail now extended to February just to drag out the pain and agony. There was Sarah Wilkinson after that, the Asa Winstanley, now the Terrorism laws of this country are being used to protect Israeli interests, even from speeches being given by esteemed academics.
But who shopped him to the police? He said nothing untowards or untrue at all, as borne out by his release the next day, it was in effect just showboating, it gave the Zionists an opportunity to point at pro Palestine demonstrators and say they’re menaces and are breaking the law, it gave some of the papers a story opportunity to smear with when there is zero factual basis in any of it.
The Met Police are unlikely to ever tell us of course, but perhaps they don’t need to, because they may well have questions to answer themselves in an exclusive dropped by Skwawkbox overnight, complete with nearly 12 and a half minutes of footage that is once again bringing into question the reputation of the Met Police.
Every minute of that footage ius damning and I’d urger to go to the Skwawkbox website and see it all for yourself I’ve not replicated it here, or any portion of it because it really does need to be seen in it’s entirety, the article is called ‘Exclusive video: Zionist appears to direct police on whom to arrest during London Gaza march’ and as this still shows, this is the guy in question, in a hi-vis jacket, talking and pointing with a police officer, indicating he was some kind of marshal for the counter demonstration, again, tiny to the point of insignificance compared to the pro Palestine demo as shown behind a gate with the police presence in front of them, because who in their right mind can still support Israel at this point if they aren’t being funded to?
But it was the marshal walking along the barrier with his phone out, apparently filming people in the Palestine demo, then running to the police, very much pointing out people in the crowd, singling individuals out who he then points to for the police benefit and showing him, presumably a photo or a short vid clip of somebody doing something he didn’t like. He wasn’t filming for any protracted length of time, so he cannot possibly have captured whatever he didn’t like in any kind of specific context on his phone, yet it didn’t stop him hurriedly running to report whatever it was he didn’t like.
The police officer in question, wearing the blue tabard of a liaison officer, then gets on his radio and this guy, this marshal, who is doing anything but actually marshalling, just goes right back to filming people, looking for someone else he can report to the police presumably.
More police show up and the chap they detain, a rather small, brown skinned young man with a megaphone gets pulled out of the demo and taken away. The police absolutely dwarfed this guy, he has no idea why he’s been detained, being on a loudspeaker and with the chants of the demo already loud, you could here the people with these above the rest and you can’t hear anything untowards being said, let alone being recordable on this marshals phone. All of this takes place within the first 4 minutes of the video clip. That’s how quickly the Met jumped to this marshal’s say-so. He’s supposed to be there marshalling the pro Israel crowd, niot spying on the pro Israel demo from his perch behind the barriers, but that was all we saw him doing. We then see him being detained and questioned and possibly searched. We continue to see the marshal as well, still filming the crowd. It’s 12 minutes of footage that seems utterly damning of the Met Police and how quickly they seemingly stopped to act upon the say so of a pro Israel marshal seemingly devoting his time to looking for people he can pick on in the crowd, based on scant evidence, yet this was enough for the Met to jump.
It's been posited the marshal may have been undercover police, but it’s a bit daft to consider if you think about it, because if you could be undercover, why wouldn’t you be in the crowd itself? This guy is a marshal and frankly judging by his actions there, in my view ought to have been behind the barriers wit the rest of the Zionists and not in a position of power, where he can seemingly direct the police as he sees fit, because four minutes from report to detention? The police didn’t hang about.
This is just yet another in a growing line of cases of the police jumping to act upon people when there is no basis for it. Not only is this a colossal waste of time and public money, but it is an abuse of power and we’ve only seen this sudden shift since Starmer took charge and Yevette Cooper took over in the Home Office.
The Met Police’s reputation has been in tatters for years and now they seemingly can be deployed on the say so of Zionists against pro Palestine voices without any real basis other than a bit of phone footage and context being provided by a single person. It didn’t matter how many defended the guy detained, their voices didn’t matter and the optics, 12 minutes of start to finish footage of this detention is reprehensible and it needs to be shared and word gotten out about it, so do go to the Skwawkbox story, share the heck out of it so more people see this footage and watch it yourself, because if you still had reservations about everything said of the Met over the last several years, or of the influence Pro Israel voices seem to have in this country, that is 12 minute of footage that should put those reservations to bed.
It's little wonder we’re in this position now though, with politicians such as we have, bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby, politicians who can’t even admit to a genocide when they see it, eh David Lammy? Get the details of that story in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks

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