Day One, Year One

4 months ago

Obama's Establishment Destroyed
Incredible how Trump pulled it off, and even caused the poles to shift. It’s another playing field. It’s another game. For now the enemy smashed, but they are waiting for a chance to strike, and so we remain ever vigilant.

Another thing, it’s no longer cool to simply say left wing radical, because that term means violence, war, totalitarianism, and people are onto it. The Republican party was destroyed last night, perhaps the biggest contribution of the Trump candidacy. And then you could say the entire establishment (Republicans and Democrats) were destroyed too, along with the legacy media and the whole fake world we live in was and is forever exposed.

That doesn’t mean that everybody likes it, far from it. Many want to dive back into the matrix, disgorge the red pills and carry on as half-wits and dupes.

As for those who feel it’s all evil and nothing is decent, well, keep sitting in your homes hoping something changes for you personally.

I’m keeping vigilant because the next move could be deadly. But for now I’m smiling, never saw anything like that before! haha. Let the screaming begin.

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Spiritual, political and philosophical observations along the way. And now music and information on Zeph E. Daniel and Crazed House, Ltd, film production.
Zeph E. Daniel is known for his screenwriting for the films “Girl Next”, “The Quantum Devil” and “Dementia”. Zeph also co-wrote other horror classics such as “SOCIETY”. His film production Crazed House has received numerous awards, reviews and enthusiast.
Zeph is mostly recognized for his veracious and subversive podcast, THE ZEPH REPORT. For over 20 years Zeph has been reporting on observations to his faithful listeners.
Author of the books GIRL NEXT, GLASS BACKWARD and LAMB.
For decades Zeph has used music to candidly unveil the atrocities of our current world situation. Joining forces with DCP (Death Camp Parade) Rich Keltner, Trish Daniel, Kellie Rowley and other artist.
Find the full Podcast of THE ZEPH REPORT; clips, shorts, films and books in the links below.

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AMAZON - Book's under Zeph E. Daniel

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Sundays from 9-11 pm

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