Hunting for Treasure in Aquarian Fields

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Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2043:
Hunting for Treasure in Aquarian Fields

A 6-week course taught by Mark Borax
Begins Saturday, Nov 9

Pluto is god of hell. Aquarius is the bridge from separation to union.

With Pluto in Aquarius we're summoned to evolve beyond the weird disconnection of our time to the organic interconnectedness of all things.

This class will identify parts of us that got fragmented during our reincarnational journey, pieces that keep us separate. The birth chart hints of creative forces buried beneath that fragmentation like veins of precious ore.

We'll dig through class charts, sorting past-life leftovers for treasures of wholeness and healing that restore our vital connection to the living universe within us and all around us.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was during the French and American Revolutions, which upended the old power structures of the elite few ruling the many. On November 20 Pluto returns to Aquarius to stay until 2043.

Though monarchies have been disbanded or severely reduced in power, the revolution that began in the 1700s is incomplete because new power structures have taken their place, continuing the imbalance.

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