From Poor Boy To Urgent Care Mogul | Kingdom Heirs Podcast Ep 10 | Dr. Daniel Wagner

4 months ago

Join us as we discuss the tensions of pursuing corporate success versus entrepreneurial endeavors
Dr. Wagner is a Board Certified Emergency Medicine Physician who grew up in Corpus Christi, attending Texas A&M – Corpus Christi where he earned a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry. He attended medical school in Galveston, Texas, returning to Corpus Christi in 2005 after completing his residency in Emergency Medicine at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Dr. Wagner loves working with patients, and helping them with their needs.

Dr. Wagner is married with three children.
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The founder of Kingdom Heirs is an entrepreneur & commercial developer, who owns and operates multiple service based companies located in Texas. We create wealth through our businesses and use the profits to support local, national and international efforts to spread the Good News.
Kingdom Heirs is a podcast that highlights different business people around the country serving God in the Marketplace. KingdomHeirs encourages entrepreneurs to use the resources that they generate through business to benefit the community around them.

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