Richard Caruso – Former Corrections Officer, Surviving the System

3 months ago

Richard Caruso's story is straight out of a movie. Actually, the movie Felon is based loosely on Richard's person story. Caruso was a corrections officer in California. During his time in the "SHU" Security Housing Unit. Life in the SHU is dangerous for the guards and the inmates. Richard, given his size, 6'4" 250 and a former Marine, was the ideal for an imposing force. The kind of guy who knew how to control other men.

Yet, that was not enough. murders and violence at Corcoran reached epidemic levels. The prison, by a long measure, lead the nation in deaths. The deaths were preventable. The guards out of control. Rather than take it, Richard's character was such that he began to collect information about the crimes he was witnessing inside Corcoran.

He went to his warden...then the feds...and that's when things got serious. One man, took on a system, a state and the federal government. Who benefitted? Men in prison for crimes. Richard saw the craven lust for violence & stopped it.

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